Ok, well I'm done being political for a while now. Today I will just report that yesterday sucked. I have an outdoor smoker and it has a drip pan in it. Last time I smoked some meat I had lot going on and I forgot to clean out the drip pan as soon as the thing cooled enough to handle it. I ended up forgetting for a whole week. So it got pretty rancid. Holding back the vomit, I took the main part to the alley and dumped the grease/rotten liquid/ maggots etc into the dumpster and then brought the rest of the drip pan to the corner of the yard and hosed it out in some rocks for a while before bringing it inside for a proper bleaching and washing. Apparently, my dogs thought licking the rocks was a good idea. I guess I should have figured dogs will always seek out the grossest and most awful thing and have an unyielding drive to consume it. I totally didn't think about it.
Sunday my dogs seemed a bit off. I almost took them to the emergency vet but I figured I couldn't even put a finger on what was off about them, by morning they seemed better or at least no worse. Monday afternoon the one started vomiting. He vomited and dry heaved and had the most pathetic look on his face ever. I had been up for 26 hours studying for finals and then with the dogs. I checked their lips for dehydration and they were not dehydrated so since my husband would be home in an hour I asked him to take them to the vet and I went to sleep. He didn't take them. I was pretty mad when I woke up.
Around 3 in the morning the real fun started. 2 out of 3 dogs with full blown food poisoning
Their regular vet opens at 7. I took them in first thing and they had to be hospitalized. They got X-Rayed (in case they ate any of the rocks) and drugged and given subcutaneous fluids. I felt so bad for them. They were so incredibly sick and looked so sad. Their blood tests and other tests all came back good, so at least they were not suffering anything more than a bacterial intestinal upset but still. I feel really really bad for them. And it was so expensive.
I shoveled up all of the rocks and threw them away and I will have to be more vigilant about emptying that drip tray in the future.
I took my final final and I should finish out the semester with all A's again. Unless the essay part of the final is graded really unfairly I think I will be ok, I added up my points and I can have a whole 16 points taken off my essay and will still have an A. I had 2 points taken off my midterm. It was still stressful and I really was worried about my dogs. I missed them so much being in the hospital all day.
Sunday my dogs seemed a bit off. I almost took them to the emergency vet but I figured I couldn't even put a finger on what was off about them, by morning they seemed better or at least no worse. Monday afternoon the one started vomiting. He vomited and dry heaved and had the most pathetic look on his face ever. I had been up for 26 hours studying for finals and then with the dogs. I checked their lips for dehydration and they were not dehydrated so since my husband would be home in an hour I asked him to take them to the vet and I went to sleep. He didn't take them. I was pretty mad when I woke up.
Around 3 in the morning the real fun started. 2 out of 3 dogs with full blown food poisoning

I shoveled up all of the rocks and threw them away and I will have to be more vigilant about emptying that drip tray in the future.
I took my final final and I should finish out the semester with all A's again. Unless the essay part of the final is graded really unfairly I think I will be ok, I added up my points and I can have a whole 16 points taken off my essay and will still have an A. I had 2 points taken off my midterm. It was still stressful and I really was worried about my dogs. I missed them so much being in the hospital all day.
Aw I'm sorry poor puppies, I hope they get better soon
I hope they get better soon!