Yesterday sucked, I wrecked my car
. I have been stuck at home for days with all the homework and yesterday I finally had to get out and get pet food and buy my husband some new clothes for work because he has been looking a bit shabby to me. He hates shopping so I go and pick stuff out bring it home, he tries it on and I return what he doesn't like. I got him and my son a bunch of nice stuff and then went to Petsmart to spoil the pets. I ended up buying some new fish for my fish tank. I also bought an African dwarf frog.
Last year when I bought one from Petsmart it was infected with the deadly chytrid fungus which is extincting frogs globally. I have read in 10 years we may not have any amphibians left in the world or only a very few species. The frog from Petsmart infected my entire collection and I lost them all
I complained to the store manager and told them if there tanks are infected this is a serious problem. They acted like they cared though not as much as I think they should. So I gave them a year to figure out the problem. The frog I bought yesterday has the chytrid fungus. I'm really pissed about it. Every sick frog which leaves that store and the other stores which also have it could potentially extinct every amphibian in the area. The fungus lives in the water so if someone dumps their tank out in their garden every amphibian could die because of how they travel and congregate for mating the impact could be HUGE!! I'm very unhappy that they have not taken this seriously. I'm treating the sick frog. It will probably die. Petsmarts corporate offices are not far from my house so I think I am going to try to get an appointment with someone there. I don't know if they care but contributing to what is an extinction level event should be a concern of theirs.
As I was backing out of my parking stall, thinking about the frogs and how I was going to present my complaint to them and try to get them to take me seriously (because I cry when I talk about a world without frogs and toads) and not think I'm too emotional or crazy there was another car 2 stalls over out of my line of sight backing out too. The way we backed out, we were never out of one another's blind spot. We were both in shock that we hit because it was all clear and we both backed out slowly and never saw one another. I re enacted the accident with a couple of books and when I did that I totally could see how we were both totally paying attention and using our mirrors and looking over our shoulders and still completely missed one another. It was just bad luck
So my car is all banged up. We both hit each others drivers side rear quarter panels right at the A pillar. He hit my wheel too so the car drives all wonky now. For such a low impact there is a fair amount of damage, crumpled metal, scratched paint and then the wheel feeling off. To my and the other guys credit, we both told the same story and our claim is already settled in the fairest way I could see settling it. 50/50. My insurance is paying half of my and his damages and his insurance is paying half of my and his damages and our insurances are paying half of our deductibles. The best thing would have been not getting into an accident but at least it was with other honest people and there is no BS. Last time I got into a parking lot bump, it was less bad than this, 12 years ago, and the girl was 4 weeks pregnant so she went to the ER and filed for pain and suffering and went to a chiropractor and tried to get a lawyer. The paint on her car was scuffed, I had no damage to my car. Really a lawyer and a chiropractor and the emergency room and a pain and suffering claim? It was retarded and totally white trash. Especially because her male companion was in the car smoking. Yeah, she was really worried about her baby......

Last year when I bought one from Petsmart it was infected with the deadly chytrid fungus which is extincting frogs globally. I have read in 10 years we may not have any amphibians left in the world or only a very few species. The frog from Petsmart infected my entire collection and I lost them all

As I was backing out of my parking stall, thinking about the frogs and how I was going to present my complaint to them and try to get them to take me seriously (because I cry when I talk about a world without frogs and toads) and not think I'm too emotional or crazy there was another car 2 stalls over out of my line of sight backing out too. The way we backed out, we were never out of one another's blind spot. We were both in shock that we hit because it was all clear and we both backed out slowly and never saw one another. I re enacted the accident with a couple of books and when I did that I totally could see how we were both totally paying attention and using our mirrors and looking over our shoulders and still completely missed one another. It was just bad luck

Dude, sorry about your frog 

sorry about the froggies!