I am so happy to be home, away from Masterblaster. What a bunch of psychos!! Of course I'm now in debt, living in a shittastical neighborhood in a shit little condo out house-hunting in a crazy market when money is hard to borrow having spent a fair amount of money on repairs to THEIR house, and having spent several weeks of my time doing a lot of the work myself for free I'm now living in shit and in debt because of their being assholes and liars. I was lied to by these people about EVERYTHING. The amount of truth I found out being there was amazing and devastating. I hate them, my guy hates them too. They have been calling the last couple of days and he has been hitting ignore and blowing them off. I never thought I would see the day, it makes me kind of glad though, these liars and pieces of shit have no place in our lives.
Even here in the ghetto in the filthy and roach infested condo we moved into sight unseen (big mistake) I am still happier than I was there. So is Masterblasters son/brother. That is pretty sad when you suck that much that your family would rather live in the ghetto than around you.
I hope I find a new house soon. I'm so not really ok with any of this. I'm so tired of the smell of Lysol and bleach. I'm so tired of sleeping with one eye open and worrying about my car all the time. I'm so tired of having to drive far to go to a grocery store which sells national brand items and doesn't sell organ meats, brains, eyeballs and intestines.
I am so upset. I am so disappointed. I am SO glad to be away from those horrible people.
Even here in the ghetto in the filthy and roach infested condo we moved into sight unseen (big mistake) I am still happier than I was there. So is Masterblasters son/brother. That is pretty sad when you suck that much that your family would rather live in the ghetto than around you.
I hope I find a new house soon. I'm so not really ok with any of this. I'm so tired of the smell of Lysol and bleach. I'm so tired of sleeping with one eye open and worrying about my car all the time. I'm so tired of having to drive far to go to a grocery store which sells national brand items and doesn't sell organ meats, brains, eyeballs and intestines.
I am so upset. I am so disappointed. I am SO glad to be away from those horrible people.
Glad you left. You're too good for them.