I saw an ad for a plastic surgeon who does a procedure called "The Post baby Tune Up (TM)" and it really turned me off. That sounds so gross and chauvanistic. I picture some Jerry Springer guest type staggering in wearing her finest "I'm with Stupid" shirt and accompanied by her trucker hat wearing meth addicted boyfriend, "Give me the post baby tune up, Bubba here says I'm a little loose these days". Yuck. I don't know why it sounds so gross to me but it just does. It is one thing to address the changes your body goes through during pregnancy, but to address the woman's body like it is some piece of machinery really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It sounds like all women change the same, which is not true, and some canned, packaged "fix all" is there just to "tune you up", get the old girl back in shape lickety split. Is this just a me thing or does anyone else find this term a little on the yuck side?
Also, you are ridiculously beautiful. Just felt the need to tell you
thank you