if you don't know Alan Watts, do your self a favour and know him a little:


Not too sure about this new format yet, but like anything new you gotta break into it.

It's been a while!

I just got back from Hawaii, looking much less of the sick white that comes with winter. I had a lot of good times and tons of good food. Fell in love with a dark rum made on Maui and that is huge since i generally don't like alcohol.

saw a bunch of turtles and manta rays (first time I've seen...
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saw "Where The Wild Things Are" and i enjoyed it. A very emotional movie if you grew up with the book, but i do wonder how much kids would enjoy it? i would hope they would like it and a lot of kids these days will likely identify with it.

Also picked up the complete Bone collection and have been devouring it over the last...
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Finally started two new paintings that i've been dying to get going with, and they look good so far!

Winter is descending on the city, and i need reasons to get out of my home...but those seem far and few between these days.

excuse me whilst i twiddle my thumbs and wait for paint to dry,

aarrgghh....just finished prepairing a few canvases, now i must wait a week for them to dry...

tck, tck, tck....

Finished a painting today, after working on it for a month i was glad to be done and it turned out rather well.

all that is left to do is varnish the bastard...

hope you are having a good night.
Punk Rock Bingo, fun and creepy at the same time...what's up with people these days?

Do not go by revelation;
Do not go by tradition;
Do not go by hearsay;
Do not go on the authority of sacred texts;
Do not go on the grounds of pure logic;
Do not go by a view that seems rational;
Do not go by reflecting on mere appearances;
Do not go along with a considered view because you agree with it;
Do not...
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"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not...
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