So let's talk about weight, I've struggled a lot with my weight. Here I am currently at my biggest weight, I wont say what it is as it doesnt matter but I've noticed my size increase, being depressed and heavily anxious has not helped either as I comfort eat to try and forget my problems. I've always been heavily curvy especially at my hips and so I've grown to accept them, I sometimes hate them when I put on certain clothes as they ruin the nice silhouette look but there is nothing I can do about them. I've tried various exercise tips to rid them and I've not been able to, a PT once told me that I'm just naturally that way. So lately I've looked in the mirror every day and just stood and looked at the way I am and you know what I'm ok with it. Obviously I'd like to be a bit more smaller and toned but I'm not going to battle with my mental health and let myself deteriorate over it. Sometimes you just have to love the way you naturally are sometimes.
Who else struggles with their body shape?
@rambo @missy