Hey all!, I'm back from the SGUK shootfest and wow was it a good one!. I've met so so many great girls and have learned this community truly care for one another, the support and encouragement I felt was heart melting. My anxiety has always stopped me short of meeting people, especially females as I worry about my appearance or not being good enough but from the get go I was welcomed by everyone hopefuls and official SG girls alike. I met photographers I only dreamed of shooting with like Rob Giradi, Ayah, Aeterna and Dolly. I shot many awesome sets from biker babe, cosplay Lightning Farron, bohemian babe and a nice lingerie set!!!, truly cannot wait for you all to see these sets!. I want to thank everyone I met for helping me feel welcomed and loved, I've met new friends and helped bonds grow stronger with those I already knew. The place was incredible it had it's own pool house, country landscape and every room was lit so well as well as being beautifully presented, we had a videographer with us and he flew his drone around to get some amazing shots of the place, although I must admit it was a creepy machine hahaha it was so loud and most of the time I couldn't spot where it was!. The last night we cooked all of the left over food and we could have legit fed an army!!!! Everyone was teary when saying goodbye to one another and we wished it didn't end so soon...I look forward to the next one for sure!. Heres some images from the shootfest, enjoy:
Me and the Beautiful @sophoulla
@fatal and me
Back of camera from set shot by
Back of camera from a set by @dollyd
Thank you to @missy @sean and @rambo for creating a truly great community of women from all places of life.