Hello Everyone,
Now before I get too into this please don't read this unless you are at least half way through the game!, reason I say half way is because I am still yet to complete Red Dead so I wont be spoiling the ending etc...
Ok now lets get onto the good stuff!, I have been waiting eagerly to play the next instalment of this game since completing the first one. When I first heard that this would be a prequel I was quite shocked because I had assumed that the next instalment/story would be focusing on John's Son Jack. I mean it was good to hear that you'd be involved in the notorious Van Der Ling gang but I kinda wanted to know where Jack winded up...
Anyway this game has got me over the disappointment because John is actually in this story and we get to see what he was doing before he ended up helping the Macfarlane people in RDR1, we also got to witness how he got the awful scar on his face. It was interesting to see that he wasn't exactly liked by the gang due to his continuous disappearing and requiring help all the time to get out of sticky situations, however The lucky fellow that we play is Arthur Morgan, who is a part of the gang and not exactly John's favourite person as we see Arthur give continuous digs to John we even go to the extent to take John's son Jack out to go fishing due to John not spending quality time with his son, after this quest we witness Arthur and John argue that John doesn't look after Jack etc etc. This does beg the question what is John doing? he spends most the time in the camp unless he is doing a quest with you so I don't understand this, it would have been nice for the developers to include some storyline or something with Jack and John (perhaps this does happen I just haven't seen it as of yet). The other Gang members do have their own stories which you get to see unfold during their conversation with each other Mrs. Grimshaw is by far my least favourite female in the game as she enjoys shouting at the other women if they are taking a break which is unfair as she spends most the time smoking and walking around the camp!, my least favourite male is Micah, there is just something about him that I don't trust he disappears for a while and he is clearly not trusted by Arthur or John. The main gang leader Dutch is someone who I think will slip up somewhere later on in the game and it will fall on Arthur to sort it as per usual as he isn't the best decision maker and as Hosea has said a few times that all Dutch seems to do is as soon as there is a little trouble wants to move camp and Hosea is sick of moving and wants the gang to find somewhere permanent, which is understandable. The games side quests are lacking in my opinion as I haven't really discovered any interesting stories the only ones I have found is helping the photographer with his photos and the weird couple who invite you in their house for dinner, in case you are wondering what I did I hog tied the woman and left her where you wake up among all of the bones lol. There is a ghost of a lady that I am yet to find which has an interesting story but I cant seem to see her as she only spawns at certain times and only in one certain area which is near the swamps, I know I need to do a bit more exploring to find more side missions but I am disappointed thus far and I have done a good few missions and side missions although no new side missions have appeared yet.
The Hunting is a massive improvement to the first one, I am enjoying hunting for the legendary animals and handing in pelts etc to trappers for outfits to make. It is also a good aspect of the game to be the provider as such for the camp as you need to bring them food now and again for Pearson to make his stew (which is the best thing in the game for all of your cores). You can also do chores around the camp like taking hay to the horses or taking maize to Pearson which is a nice touch as the campmates comment when you are seen doing this in a positive way, I also enjoy the idea of sharing my wealth and trinkets with the camp when you have to contribute to their donation box as this goes towards upgrades in the camp and the campmates overall morale. I have noticed that the other campmates only donate very small things which are only worth about $2! but I suppose this feature is mainly for us as we are the explorers etc, however Micah does not donate his quest earnings!!!.
The Scenery in the game is breathtaking especially during the day time where you can fully see the landscape, however I do have to say that the cutscenes are awful they look pretty much the same as RDR1 there is only slight improvement you would have thought for the time they have had to make RDR2 they would really up the graphics!!! I am aware however that due to me being on a PS4 the Xbox One is the best to play RDR2 on as the graphics are apparently much better. There is sometimes lag in the game and weird glitching with the horses and Arthur for instance he will randomly slip over and just fall or the horse will purposely go into a tree!!, I do hope they will release a patch soon as it is driving me mad.
All in all it is a good game, the map is much much bigger than the first and the storyline, towns and NPC's are more exciting and visually pleasing however I cant get over the glitches, cutscene graphics or the lack of side missions so I would if I had to score this game I would score it an 8/10 which is quite a good score for me I just had to bump 2 points off due to what I had said earlier.
I think they really could of added more with the side missions etc as the map is so huge!, lets see what DLC they release if any and I am looking forward to playing the online mode!.
What are your thoughts on this game?.....
Any questions for me in relation to this game that I may have missed?...
*No Spoilers please*
Happy Gaming! :)
P.S. Sorry if some Grammar is bad lol
@missy @rambo