YUSSSSS!!! Anyone who visits my page knows 2 things about me. 1: I'm from Alaska and 2: I LOVE football. My inlaws are from Fort Collins, CO and in the 8yr I've been w my hubby I've been an avid Denver Broncos fan💙
This years Super Bowl was THE BEST of days watching my boys destroy the loud mouthed Panthers☺️
Leading up to this special day I've been to 6 Broncos games over the years.......
Nothing beats seeing them live in Denver at Sports Authority Field. About 3 years ago the day before we watched them beat the Saints 35-17 I got to meet Drew Bree's walking around town grabbing lunch!!
When I lived in Chicago last year I wasn't gonna let frigid cold stop me from seeing my boys play in the Windy City. Soldier Field is historic it was awesome catching a game there.
In 2014 I traveled to NY to visit family and enjoy Super Bowl week in NYC. The game didn't turn out how we hoped but I still had a ton of fun☺️
I tagged along to Denver last week on the hubby's business trip and made the trip out to Englewood to visit the new Bronco's training facility--a must for any avid fan. The universe was in our favor as the newest Lombardi trophy was just added to the case where it will rest along with the other two. I nearly fainted when I saw this beauty😍😍😍
To me, football is more than a game. It means family. Yelling, hooting, crying, arguing and cheering until loosing my voice--all things done while surrounded by loved ones. When I moved to Chicago watching a game was the perfect way to make me feel closer to my family. For 3 hr I wasn't alone in a big city anymore. Football is cozy mornings, brunch with too many drinks, unifying secrets of stats, draft picks, records and history with others who love the game. A piece of me will always feel comfort while watching the Broncos, being in Denver, or simply sporting some of my Denver Broncos gear💙
Where my other football fanatics at?!! Who are your favorite teams!?
Thanks for another saweeeet blog topic @missy @rambo @lyxzen💕😘