Hey gang! Another week another blog. Hope everyone is adjusting to the new year better than the last. This weeks blog question was what's your favorite smartphone app? It's no surprise my favorite app also uses the most amount of data and memory on my phone. It's Spotify!!!
Because it's $10/month for unlimited music you can download to your phone and listen to offline I use it probably 40% of every day haha. I listen to while I'm getting ready like in the above photo from New Years Eve💁🏾
I can't go snowboarding without listening to music so headphones and Spotify are a must! This picture was taken yesterday on the chairlift. A blue bird day💙Not a bad way to spend Sunday if you ask me.
My favorite thing about Spotify is the diversity. You can find music, play music, create playlists, have playlists made for you, follow friends or favorite artists, or just browse top lists and so much more. As an apple user I tried Apple Music but ultimately stayed w Spotify☺️
Essentially I've tried others but Spotify Premium is where it's at. Here's a sweet shot of a moose I shot last week, driving, listening to Spotify. Imagine that😅💋
What are your guys favorite apps? Tag me so I can keep up💕
@missy @rambo @lyxzen