About 10 days ago I met my fellow Alaskan babe and SGH @zephyrine😍 She came up to my place for a BBQ, laughs, good ppl and whatever else the night threw our way. Nearly one hour in and 1bottle wine down between the two of us things got a little hot...who could blame me have you seen this babe!? Suddenly the idea of a triple-kissing-hug sounded perfect.
I stepped forward for this warm embrace and then CHINK💥Took me a minute to realize we went in holding 2 wine glasses and came out with 1 survivor. Our glasses collided on impact and there was shattered glass all over my floor😂This sent us into hysterical laughter and we forgot all about the girl-on-girl action while we laughed and fumbled picking up the glass. Who thinks @zephyrine and I should give round 2 another try??😏
XOXO @missy @rambo @lyxzen