So its been pretty much the worst of days boyfriend took me to this beautiful expensive italian which i ended up having to pay for and then once the bill was taken care of he dumped all and all a crappy ass i was super excited to get over it with the tinted windows concert tonight!!! yay..except now my friend cant go and there is no one to that shits out the window,,,so glad i took off of work for 3 days because of all i wont have money on top of it all....the answer to my problems??? lots and lots of alcohol with prescription drugs!! will be a fine forgotten night. I always love what your friends have to say though "your too good for him".."he was never really your type".. "i think he was gay or bi or something" yeah let the excuses come...the truth is theres really no one person for anybody..the minute you found "the one" you re instantly attracted to another. Sure maybe i dont deserve to be treated the way i have been in the past year but what the fuck is stopping it from let the torment and pain keep coming..i maintain earth is the real hell anyways. 

The trick to finding 'The One'? Stop looking.
You have to admit that most things that you treasure most in life were not those that you went out to find, but those that you just happened upon. Same goes for true love. Sometimes things happen and you find what it is that you were looking for all along.
So don't give up. Live life. You ARE beautiful. You ARE worthy of finding someone decent. You ARE going to find the right person. You just have to not focus in on finding one. It will just happen.
Best wishes.
Oh and just from past experience, make sure you know how those drugs interact with each other and alcohol. Trust me stomach pumping aint fucking fun at all.