the screen opened for the first time and the blue tones of the camera captured my personality in ways i never knew existed. As the movie went on the smile on my face drew bigger. I have always had the traits of a vampire and dreams of being one..but it wasnt till the second time i saw twilight i realized the movie had completely taken me in. Yesterday..the second time i saw it things started to dawn on me. My skin is more pale then your typical ivory toned person. Im anemic, there for my skin is ice cold most of the time. My hair is black to contrast the whiteness of my skin..and my closet well its mostly black and purple like the rest of my room. My black net canap droops down over my dark purple silk bed. The spiderweb curtain i own hangs to the left of my bed. Since i was a little girl i had vampire dreams..but not the ones that haunt. Towards the end of the movies yesterday i noticed something i didnt notice before..she danced with edward under the lit gazebo..and on her right arm something sparkled..i took a closer look..and there it was...the SAME EXACT silver and turquoise indian bracelet i wear on my right arm and havent taken off. The bracelet was my mothers from an actual indian tribe and i have never seen another one like it. Theres eyes change color and they always have since i was a child...usually they are a green tone with a lil bit of; however, was a different story. I had pictures taken this morning with my mother....when i saw the final prints even the photographer was skin showed up sooo pale i almost looked opaque. He zoomed n on my eyes and there they were..the most gold i have ever seen them....they pierced threw the lens of the camera as if there was something to feed on beyond it. As i left the photographer made a comment "if i see edward, ill let him know your looking for him"

I knew ya were one the moment i saw ya online.