you looked so pretty from the very start, you shined, you were witty and sharp. Your edges were clean cut, and you teased me with tickles. i liked to drag you across my skin...as you dragged me along for the ride. But the rides turned into lies, when i finally tested the waters and was brave enough to let you touch me, you cut me open. The rows down my arms are just how many times i have let you cut me...i bleed, i plead for this pain to be over..and now it is.
you looked so pretty from the very start, you shined, you were witty and sharp. Your edges were clean cut, and you teased me with tickles. i liked to drag you across my skin...as you dragged me along for the ride. But the rides turned into lies, when i finally tested the waters and was brave enough to let you touch me, you cut me open. The rows down my arms are just how many times i have let you cut me...i bleed, i plead for this pain to be over..and now it is.
Ok - on old Saturday Night Live episodes there was a skit about daily afermation (hope I spelled thet right) well any way's U R like the opposite Midgee"s Blog Of Despair ! No - but realy I do enjoy reading them - just thought I would poke a little fun hope U R not mad or sad but glad .............................feeling a tad goofy ! can U tell ?
hey gotta talk!!!!!!!!!!!!! lov ya