Hi Peter,
Got back from Shanghai last night. Dude, I am so so sorry about missing deadline last week. I couldn't access my Yahoo email from the hotel. You're going to think I'm completely full of shit when I explain this, but I swear it's the truth. Weird shit was happening there dude! Check this out: So I get to my hotel about 10pm Monday, and I'm exhausted after about 24 straight hours of traveling, but I had been in the process of setting up an appointment I really wanted, and the guy said 'cool' to the appointment, so the last email I sent him from the States was basically 'great when do you want to do it?' So when I get to my hotel, the first thing I think is that before I even go up to my room, I'd better go to the business centre to check my email and see how he wants to do this. So I go to the business centre, and the computer won't let me bring up Yahoo. The Chinese Yahoo worked fine, and every other site (except US Google) came up fine. It was just Yahoo and Google that wouldn't come up. Now, I'm not one prone to paranoia, but I must admit, the thought crept up in the back of my mind that there was something suspicious about this. AND at the same time there was another guy in the business centre, a US businessman, who I overheard complaining to the staffers that he couldn't open some attachments or something like that. He said he could do this at all the other hotels he stayed at but not that one. So yeah, it stayed that way all week. But, you know, I just thought, 'nah dude, you're just being paranoid.' But anyway CHECK THIS OUT: So a couple of days later, I was in my room watching CNN over morning coffee, and I was watching for like an hour with no problems. Then this story comes on about Chinese government censorship of the internet, and about 15 seconds into it, the screen goes black. I SHIT YOU NOT! And it stays black for about a minute, and then comes back on when the next story is on. And I'm thinking 'Hmmm.' But then I thought, 'nah dude, you're just being paranoid.' BUT CHECK THIS OUT: Later that night, I was watching CNN again, and again I was watching for about an hour with no problems, but then they re-run the story about Chinese government internet censorship and the same thing happens again. About 15 seconds into the report, the screen goes black. But check this out: this time, the picture came back on when the shot went back to the live newscaster - like I think the censor thought the newscaster was going to introduce the next story. But instead of introducing the next story, the newscaster goes "now since we originally broadcast that report, there's been another development ..." AND RIGHT THEN THE SCREEN GOES BLACK AGAIN. Is that creepy or what? Then it came back on when a different story was on. I don't know, maybe I'm just being paranoid, but ... weird ...
Anyway, this is a very long explanation, but I'm really sorry about last week I'll make it up, I promise.
all true. weird, eh? i hope my boss isn't mad. after i sent this i got an autoreply that he won't be back till tomorrow. i guess i'll find out then.
anyway, yeah. back from shanghai. had a great time. i took lots of pictures and video. most of it is boring and dumb, but i'm passing it on here anyway to torture people.(although there is a picture of a naked hooker at the end.) what happened was that when i was departing, it was sunday morning, and so i was confronted with a lack of access to alcohol, so, desperate to distract myself, i started annoyingly texting pointless pictures to everyone in my address book. then i thought, hey, why don't i annoyingly picture-blog this entire foray. so that's what I did, and that's what you're seeing below. the only problem is that for some reason, the only person in my address book that i was successful in not getting messages bounced from while in china was my friend alissa, a law student in Atlanta, so she got relentlessly spammed by me for a week. she took it pretty well though.
anyway, first is a semi-buzzed video intro in front of the window in my 11th-floor hotel room:
and now a bunch of pics from around town:

-- FW: --Original Msg--
From: Alissa
Subject: Re: Multimedia message
Date: 8:29pm 1/24/07
hoping you went into the yuppie restaurant and bar.

^^^ this photo isn't remarkable by itself, but i took it because just a couple of years ago this very spot was a narrow, dark alleyway. and now, just a short time later, it's this massive marketplace. (i know it used to be a grimey hooker-infested alley because of a semi-creepy experience i had there a couple of years ago with some weird south african doctor - but that's another story.) so, yeah, from alleyway to massive marketplace in three years. i'm telling you, china is blowing up. everytime i go there, it's changed. anyone in this world who is interested in being where the action is must go to china. it's changing history.
anyway, below is pointless video of me riding in a taxi. you might want to skip it.
more photos:

^^^ i think when that building in the middle is done, it's going to be the tallest building in the world. at least i think that's the one that people were talking about.

^^^ on one of my first nights there, i went to the grungy brothel pictured above and met these two. i think the one on the right was trying to sell me on the one on the left. pretty, but i didn't go for it because she seemed very opiumed-out.

^^^ most of my time there was spent hanging out with these awesome girls in one of my favorite bars, Zoe's. from left to right: jessy, eleven (in the hat), mary, apple (on top) and casey (she runs the place).
-- FW: --Original Msg--
From: Alissa
Subject: RE: Re: Multimedia message
Date: 3:31pm 1/28/07
jessy? that doesn't sound right.
--- XXXXXXXXX@mms.mycingular.com wrote:
> Yeah, all the bar girls take western
> names bc they think no one would
remember their chinese names. They're
> probably right; i've asked what
> their real names are b4 & i always forget
i love these girls and made out with most of them. eleven is crazy in the best of ways. i was crushing on Jessy hard.

^^^ jessy. so hot.
one night i checked out a new club called windows that one of the brothel girls recommended. this is what it looked like:

^^^ the girl dancing on stage on the right was like this 40-year old really conservative looking US business woman who was wasted and making out with every teenager in the place. one girl i saw there couldn't have been older than 9.

^^^ right outside this packed club, at 2am, with the pounding base from the club's sound system competing with the noise of traffic, was this old dude with a cart who had meticulously disassembled about an 8-foot by 2-foot stretch of the otherwise nice sidewalk.
then i checked out the bars on tongren lu. ('lu' means 'road'). they put up this strip of bars about two years ago. as i've explained in previous journal entries, maoming road used to be a mecca of clubs and prostitution. but i've been told some foreign diplomat's wife was staying in a hotel near there once and complained. so what did they do? they moved the designated strip for such activities a few blocks away to tongren lu. It's weird because it's actually a very upscale stretch, yet it's teeming with really aggressive prostitutes who solicit in the open right in front of cops. anyway, below is some not-very- exciting video of me walking down tongren lu:

^^^ tongren lu hookers!
at least the prostitution scene seemed back in favorability. last time i was there, there was some kind of cyclical crackdown happening, which made it hard for the girls to operate in the open and difficult for me to get them into the hotel. but this time, i was even propositioned very openly at the hotel bar by a hooker named ping-ping, and later i had no trouble getting my hooker past the front desk.
but, yeah, like i said, most of the time i spent with the girls at Zoe's. awesome times:

^^^ jessy grabbing someone's boobs - i forget who.
here is some video of everyone talking crap at the bar. you can't really see anything, but you can hear a bit of how, because of the language barrier, everyone, including me, can only understand about one-fifth of what anyone is saying. haha.
one night me, casey, jessy, mary, apple and eleven played a game casey came up with - it was like spin-the-bottle but with drawing numbers. hey, i like those odds. good times.

^^^ jessy & eleven
one night casey was really wasted & kept making out with me. she was doing this thing where she'd take a drink and then expertly pour it into my mouth as she kissed me. awesome. then she and jessy danced on the bar:

then casey puked up massively right in front of everyone. haha.
--- XXXXXXXXX@mms.mycingular.com wrote:
> Uhk - i just made out with a girl who just puked. She
> was one of the girls that was dancing on the bar
-- FW: --Original Msg--
From: Alissa
Subject: RE: Re: Multimedia message
Date: 1:00am 1/28/07
and you know this b/c you tasted it? you watched her
do it?
--- XXXXXXXXX@mms.mycingular.com wrote:
> I saw her puke. Then seconds later i was tongue
> fucking her. It was quite possibly the punkest thing
> ever.
-- FW: --Original Msg--
From: Alissa
Subject: RE: Re: Multimedia message
Date: 2:11 am 1/28/07
you need to change your lifestyle.

^^^ i spent a lot of time talking with jessy. what an amazing person. like a lot of shanghai bar girls, she is from a poor farming village hours from shanghai. they come to shanghai to make money and enjoy looser restrictions than in the more traditionally communist zones. she'd been in shanghai about a year. she worked in a factory before working in the bar. she's 27 and has a daughter, but her daughter stays with her grandparents back in her village. she was married to a dude, and they agreed that she should go to shanghai to work and make money, but after she arrived, he called her to say he'd found someone else, so they got divorced. (apparently divorce is not a difficult thing to arrange in china.) her attitude was 'fuck him. it's his loss.' she took her kid and "never looked back," as she put it. fuck yeah. she loves her daughter very much and misses her a lot, she told me. she works six days a week in the bar, 12 hours a day, to try to save enough to move her family closer to shanghai.
but check this out: i asked her if it was painful to give birth, generally speaking. (for some reason, i've always been fascinated by what women must go through to give birth. the idea of a human being ripping out of your cunt just sounds crazily painful to me.) anyway, she told me this long crazy story about how, because china's so fucked up, in this farming village, they couldn't a real doctor who could perform the birth in a hospital unless they paid 5000 US dollars, she said. so they made kind of an underground arrangement to pay one of the nurses that worked in the hospital $500 to perform it in her apartment. so on the day she went into labor she had to ride on the back of a motor cycle to this woman's apartment, only to discover she wasn't home. so in incredible pain she road back to her family's place on the motor cycle and her family delivered the baby. everything turned out alright in the end, but damn
anyway, on the last night there, i stayed at zoe's until about 4am talking mostly to jessy. i tried to get her to come back to my room, but she declined. that's cool. we said goodbye and she sped off on her scooter. i said goodnight to the girls, and told them i'd be back next time i was in shanghai, and then i headed out back to the hotel.
i made it as far as one bar down the road when i heard a female voice yell "hey you." ah, the midfuckepiphany mating call. it was one of the bar girls from next door. she asked me to come in for a drink, and it took less than a minute before there was a beer in my hand and she was making out with me and jerking me off under the bar. this is what I like - the direct approach. she spoke almost no english.
Me: you come back to my hotel?
Her: you give me money?
Me: how much?
Her: you tell me how much.
Me: 1000 RMB (that's about 100 bucks. i probably could have gotten away with less, but i just wanted this to move forward as quickly as possible. she seemed thrilled with that, but still tried to bargain upward. first she wanted to make sure she understood me properly, so she opened her hand, and with her finger traced a 1 and three 0's. i nodded. then she traced a 1 and a 2 and two 0's.)
Me: yeah, sure. (what's another 20 bucks?)
not five minutes since she first said 'hey you' and we were headed to the hotel. once inside, we made out for a minute, and then she tried to get me to take a shower with her, which I thought was a little odd.
Me: no thanks. i'm clean. you can if you want though.
that's when i snapped this:

(i thought it might be cooler to hide her face, even though i doubt she'd care - she saw me take the picture and laughed.)
but anyway, i pointed to the soap and shampoo and inviter her to use them, but she declined, which I also found odd.
a few minutes later when she lay down on the bed with the towel underneath her, i think i was beginning to understand: i think one of the purposes of the shower is to get her pussy wet. it worked. it may have also had something to do with the fact that she was on the rag, i was soon to discover.
anyway, we fucked. i didn't cum though. i often have a hard time cumming with people i'm not in a relationship with. but that was ok. i just wanted to fuck, i didn't really care about cumming. i tried, but there were things that just got in the way. for one thing, at first she tried to do it with her legs pressed together and mine on the outside - i guess to make her pussy feel tighter or something so i'd cum faster, but i really just wanted a normal fuck. so i spread her legs, and i looked down at my dick pumping in and out of her, and that's when i saw the blood. i don't have a problem fucking a girl on her period, but the lack of warning was a bit of a distraction. (of course, she probably couldn't have warned me anyway since she spoke no english.) but then she was also like waaay overacting - like wailing like a lunatic as if it was setting the record for most earth-shattering lay ever. this chick isn't going to be winning any academy awards in her lifetime, i'd wager. anyway, i had enough, so i kind of pretended to cum, and tried to indicate that she could wrap up the performance now. after taking a second shower (a real one this time with soap) she asked me if it was ok for her to put on her cloths, i said yeah. i walked her out, and that was that. it was cool. she seemed nice, and, hey, good for her; she made an easy $120.
--- XXXXXXXXX@mms.mycingular.com wrote:
> I just fucked a hooker. My flight back 2 the
> us leaves in a few hours. Aren't u going 2 miss my
> touching pic blogging alissa?
-- FW: --Original Msg--
From: Alissa
Subject: Re: Multimedia message
Date: 5:38am 1/28/07
is that her? she's got dark nipples.
--- XXXXXXXXX@mms.mycingular.com wrote:
> Haha. That's totally what first
> occurded 2 me too. Her nipples were
> really long too. She's hotter than she
> looks in the pic tho. Man i'm wasted.
> If i i make it on 2 the plane it will b a
> miracle.
well i made it to the plane. on the trip home, i emailed jessy. she emailed me back:
-- FW: --Original Msg--
From: jessy
Date: 1:09pm 1/28/07
hi (midfuckepiphany) how are you now ?i just get you e mail .that is good .i
happy .after we can talk .if you ged my e mail give back e mail ok ?
i emailed her back. but now it's been a full day, and i still haven't heard from her again. was she just playin me? or is the chinese government interceptin our love?
maybe a bit of both
Got back from Shanghai last night. Dude, I am so so sorry about missing deadline last week. I couldn't access my Yahoo email from the hotel. You're going to think I'm completely full of shit when I explain this, but I swear it's the truth. Weird shit was happening there dude! Check this out: So I get to my hotel about 10pm Monday, and I'm exhausted after about 24 straight hours of traveling, but I had been in the process of setting up an appointment I really wanted, and the guy said 'cool' to the appointment, so the last email I sent him from the States was basically 'great when do you want to do it?' So when I get to my hotel, the first thing I think is that before I even go up to my room, I'd better go to the business centre to check my email and see how he wants to do this. So I go to the business centre, and the computer won't let me bring up Yahoo. The Chinese Yahoo worked fine, and every other site (except US Google) came up fine. It was just Yahoo and Google that wouldn't come up. Now, I'm not one prone to paranoia, but I must admit, the thought crept up in the back of my mind that there was something suspicious about this. AND at the same time there was another guy in the business centre, a US businessman, who I overheard complaining to the staffers that he couldn't open some attachments or something like that. He said he could do this at all the other hotels he stayed at but not that one. So yeah, it stayed that way all week. But, you know, I just thought, 'nah dude, you're just being paranoid.' But anyway CHECK THIS OUT: So a couple of days later, I was in my room watching CNN over morning coffee, and I was watching for like an hour with no problems. Then this story comes on about Chinese government censorship of the internet, and about 15 seconds into it, the screen goes black. I SHIT YOU NOT! And it stays black for about a minute, and then comes back on when the next story is on. And I'm thinking 'Hmmm.' But then I thought, 'nah dude, you're just being paranoid.' BUT CHECK THIS OUT: Later that night, I was watching CNN again, and again I was watching for about an hour with no problems, but then they re-run the story about Chinese government internet censorship and the same thing happens again. About 15 seconds into the report, the screen goes black. But check this out: this time, the picture came back on when the shot went back to the live newscaster - like I think the censor thought the newscaster was going to introduce the next story. But instead of introducing the next story, the newscaster goes "now since we originally broadcast that report, there's been another development ..." AND RIGHT THEN THE SCREEN GOES BLACK AGAIN. Is that creepy or what? Then it came back on when a different story was on. I don't know, maybe I'm just being paranoid, but ... weird ...
Anyway, this is a very long explanation, but I'm really sorry about last week I'll make it up, I promise.
all true. weird, eh? i hope my boss isn't mad. after i sent this i got an autoreply that he won't be back till tomorrow. i guess i'll find out then.
anyway, yeah. back from shanghai. had a great time. i took lots of pictures and video. most of it is boring and dumb, but i'm passing it on here anyway to torture people.(although there is a picture of a naked hooker at the end.) what happened was that when i was departing, it was sunday morning, and so i was confronted with a lack of access to alcohol, so, desperate to distract myself, i started annoyingly texting pointless pictures to everyone in my address book. then i thought, hey, why don't i annoyingly picture-blog this entire foray. so that's what I did, and that's what you're seeing below. the only problem is that for some reason, the only person in my address book that i was successful in not getting messages bounced from while in china was my friend alissa, a law student in Atlanta, so she got relentlessly spammed by me for a week. she took it pretty well though.
anyway, first is a semi-buzzed video intro in front of the window in my 11th-floor hotel room:
and now a bunch of pics from around town:

-- FW: --Original Msg--
From: Alissa
Subject: Re: Multimedia message
Date: 8:29pm 1/24/07
hoping you went into the yuppie restaurant and bar.

^^^ this photo isn't remarkable by itself, but i took it because just a couple of years ago this very spot was a narrow, dark alleyway. and now, just a short time later, it's this massive marketplace. (i know it used to be a grimey hooker-infested alley because of a semi-creepy experience i had there a couple of years ago with some weird south african doctor - but that's another story.) so, yeah, from alleyway to massive marketplace in three years. i'm telling you, china is blowing up. everytime i go there, it's changed. anyone in this world who is interested in being where the action is must go to china. it's changing history.
anyway, below is pointless video of me riding in a taxi. you might want to skip it.
more photos:

^^^ i think when that building in the middle is done, it's going to be the tallest building in the world. at least i think that's the one that people were talking about.

^^^ on one of my first nights there, i went to the grungy brothel pictured above and met these two. i think the one on the right was trying to sell me on the one on the left. pretty, but i didn't go for it because she seemed very opiumed-out.

^^^ most of my time there was spent hanging out with these awesome girls in one of my favorite bars, Zoe's. from left to right: jessy, eleven (in the hat), mary, apple (on top) and casey (she runs the place).
-- FW: --Original Msg--
From: Alissa
Subject: RE: Re: Multimedia message
Date: 3:31pm 1/28/07
jessy? that doesn't sound right.
--- XXXXXXXXX@mms.mycingular.com wrote:
> Yeah, all the bar girls take western
> names bc they think no one would
remember their chinese names. They're
> probably right; i've asked what
> their real names are b4 & i always forget
i love these girls and made out with most of them. eleven is crazy in the best of ways. i was crushing on Jessy hard.

^^^ jessy. so hot.
one night i checked out a new club called windows that one of the brothel girls recommended. this is what it looked like:

^^^ the girl dancing on stage on the right was like this 40-year old really conservative looking US business woman who was wasted and making out with every teenager in the place. one girl i saw there couldn't have been older than 9.

^^^ right outside this packed club, at 2am, with the pounding base from the club's sound system competing with the noise of traffic, was this old dude with a cart who had meticulously disassembled about an 8-foot by 2-foot stretch of the otherwise nice sidewalk.

then i checked out the bars on tongren lu. ('lu' means 'road'). they put up this strip of bars about two years ago. as i've explained in previous journal entries, maoming road used to be a mecca of clubs and prostitution. but i've been told some foreign diplomat's wife was staying in a hotel near there once and complained. so what did they do? they moved the designated strip for such activities a few blocks away to tongren lu. It's weird because it's actually a very upscale stretch, yet it's teeming with really aggressive prostitutes who solicit in the open right in front of cops. anyway, below is some not-very- exciting video of me walking down tongren lu:

^^^ tongren lu hookers!
at least the prostitution scene seemed back in favorability. last time i was there, there was some kind of cyclical crackdown happening, which made it hard for the girls to operate in the open and difficult for me to get them into the hotel. but this time, i was even propositioned very openly at the hotel bar by a hooker named ping-ping, and later i had no trouble getting my hooker past the front desk.
but, yeah, like i said, most of the time i spent with the girls at Zoe's. awesome times:

^^^ jessy grabbing someone's boobs - i forget who.
here is some video of everyone talking crap at the bar. you can't really see anything, but you can hear a bit of how, because of the language barrier, everyone, including me, can only understand about one-fifth of what anyone is saying. haha.
one night me, casey, jessy, mary, apple and eleven played a game casey came up with - it was like spin-the-bottle but with drawing numbers. hey, i like those odds. good times.

^^^ jessy & eleven

one night casey was really wasted & kept making out with me. she was doing this thing where she'd take a drink and then expertly pour it into my mouth as she kissed me. awesome. then she and jessy danced on the bar:

then casey puked up massively right in front of everyone. haha.
--- XXXXXXXXX@mms.mycingular.com wrote:
> Uhk - i just made out with a girl who just puked. She
> was one of the girls that was dancing on the bar
-- FW: --Original Msg--
From: Alissa
Subject: RE: Re: Multimedia message
Date: 1:00am 1/28/07
and you know this b/c you tasted it? you watched her
do it?
--- XXXXXXXXX@mms.mycingular.com wrote:
> I saw her puke. Then seconds later i was tongue
> fucking her. It was quite possibly the punkest thing
> ever.
-- FW: --Original Msg--
From: Alissa
Subject: RE: Re: Multimedia message
Date: 2:11 am 1/28/07
you need to change your lifestyle.

^^^ i spent a lot of time talking with jessy. what an amazing person. like a lot of shanghai bar girls, she is from a poor farming village hours from shanghai. they come to shanghai to make money and enjoy looser restrictions than in the more traditionally communist zones. she'd been in shanghai about a year. she worked in a factory before working in the bar. she's 27 and has a daughter, but her daughter stays with her grandparents back in her village. she was married to a dude, and they agreed that she should go to shanghai to work and make money, but after she arrived, he called her to say he'd found someone else, so they got divorced. (apparently divorce is not a difficult thing to arrange in china.) her attitude was 'fuck him. it's his loss.' she took her kid and "never looked back," as she put it. fuck yeah. she loves her daughter very much and misses her a lot, she told me. she works six days a week in the bar, 12 hours a day, to try to save enough to move her family closer to shanghai.
but check this out: i asked her if it was painful to give birth, generally speaking. (for some reason, i've always been fascinated by what women must go through to give birth. the idea of a human being ripping out of your cunt just sounds crazily painful to me.) anyway, she told me this long crazy story about how, because china's so fucked up, in this farming village, they couldn't a real doctor who could perform the birth in a hospital unless they paid 5000 US dollars, she said. so they made kind of an underground arrangement to pay one of the nurses that worked in the hospital $500 to perform it in her apartment. so on the day she went into labor she had to ride on the back of a motor cycle to this woman's apartment, only to discover she wasn't home. so in incredible pain she road back to her family's place on the motor cycle and her family delivered the baby. everything turned out alright in the end, but damn
anyway, on the last night there, i stayed at zoe's until about 4am talking mostly to jessy. i tried to get her to come back to my room, but she declined. that's cool. we said goodbye and she sped off on her scooter. i said goodnight to the girls, and told them i'd be back next time i was in shanghai, and then i headed out back to the hotel.
i made it as far as one bar down the road when i heard a female voice yell "hey you." ah, the midfuckepiphany mating call. it was one of the bar girls from next door. she asked me to come in for a drink, and it took less than a minute before there was a beer in my hand and she was making out with me and jerking me off under the bar. this is what I like - the direct approach. she spoke almost no english.
Me: you come back to my hotel?
Her: you give me money?
Me: how much?
Her: you tell me how much.
Me: 1000 RMB (that's about 100 bucks. i probably could have gotten away with less, but i just wanted this to move forward as quickly as possible. she seemed thrilled with that, but still tried to bargain upward. first she wanted to make sure she understood me properly, so she opened her hand, and with her finger traced a 1 and three 0's. i nodded. then she traced a 1 and a 2 and two 0's.)
Me: yeah, sure. (what's another 20 bucks?)
not five minutes since she first said 'hey you' and we were headed to the hotel. once inside, we made out for a minute, and then she tried to get me to take a shower with her, which I thought was a little odd.
Me: no thanks. i'm clean. you can if you want though.
that's when i snapped this:

(i thought it might be cooler to hide her face, even though i doubt she'd care - she saw me take the picture and laughed.)
but anyway, i pointed to the soap and shampoo and inviter her to use them, but she declined, which I also found odd.
a few minutes later when she lay down on the bed with the towel underneath her, i think i was beginning to understand: i think one of the purposes of the shower is to get her pussy wet. it worked. it may have also had something to do with the fact that she was on the rag, i was soon to discover.
anyway, we fucked. i didn't cum though. i often have a hard time cumming with people i'm not in a relationship with. but that was ok. i just wanted to fuck, i didn't really care about cumming. i tried, but there were things that just got in the way. for one thing, at first she tried to do it with her legs pressed together and mine on the outside - i guess to make her pussy feel tighter or something so i'd cum faster, but i really just wanted a normal fuck. so i spread her legs, and i looked down at my dick pumping in and out of her, and that's when i saw the blood. i don't have a problem fucking a girl on her period, but the lack of warning was a bit of a distraction. (of course, she probably couldn't have warned me anyway since she spoke no english.) but then she was also like waaay overacting - like wailing like a lunatic as if it was setting the record for most earth-shattering lay ever. this chick isn't going to be winning any academy awards in her lifetime, i'd wager. anyway, i had enough, so i kind of pretended to cum, and tried to indicate that she could wrap up the performance now. after taking a second shower (a real one this time with soap) she asked me if it was ok for her to put on her cloths, i said yeah. i walked her out, and that was that. it was cool. she seemed nice, and, hey, good for her; she made an easy $120.
--- XXXXXXXXX@mms.mycingular.com wrote:
> I just fucked a hooker. My flight back 2 the
> us leaves in a few hours. Aren't u going 2 miss my
> touching pic blogging alissa?
-- FW: --Original Msg--
From: Alissa
Subject: Re: Multimedia message
Date: 5:38am 1/28/07
is that her? she's got dark nipples.
--- XXXXXXXXX@mms.mycingular.com wrote:
> Haha. That's totally what first
> occurded 2 me too. Her nipples were
> really long too. She's hotter than she
> looks in the pic tho. Man i'm wasted.
> If i i make it on 2 the plane it will b a
> miracle.
well i made it to the plane. on the trip home, i emailed jessy. she emailed me back:
-- FW: --Original Msg--
From: jessy
Date: 1:09pm 1/28/07
hi (midfuckepiphany) how are you now ?i just get you e mail .that is good .i
happy .after we can talk .if you ged my e mail give back e mail ok ?
i emailed her back. but now it's been a full day, and i still haven't heard from her again. was she just playin me? or is the chinese government interceptin our love?
maybe a bit of both
You know we are missing the philly tat convention this weekend, right? Turds, we are. Big fat, stinkin' turds, I tell you!