Am getting my packing done for the weekend away. Have my tent ready and have spent most of the evening sorting clothes out... I definitely have too much stuff.. I guess clothes are also a passion coming a close second to music - but hey you have have got to look good haven't you?

Packing clothes is tricky at this time of year as weather...
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late night reading is the best!
Covered in paint at the moment. Listening to The Tindersticks Simple Pleasure album which matches the day here.. rain again.

Have got round to putting up some photos. Will have to have a dig around for some more interesting ones.

Looking forward to Friday.. get to see my family for the annual family trip to the Greenbelt Festival in Cheltenham. Some good old family traditions...
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you should return the locust..
and pick out cattle decapitation instead..
or if you want the same kind of stuff..
listen to holy molar.. theyre ok!

ps.. you can NEVER spend too much at a record store.. wink
HAve just discovered Mallory and have a new crush!

Listening to Low and Innocence Mission today whist doing some painting, good times.
you like low joy division new order my bloody valentine and me? youve got good taste!
Relaxing at home with a bit of time off. Catching up with some reading and also listening to some great new albums. Really enjoying the awesome Arcade Fire and Willowz albums at the moment.