So I caused a little drama with the boyfriend today. I plan on applying to become a SG mid-next year (ya know, once I do something with this mop of hair and get rid of my stomach), but there's a photographer problem in this small, hick-like town. There are no professional nude photographers down here so I had to think of people I'm comfortable with seeing me naked, someone who will take decent photos and have a bit of imagination. That someone turned out to be my ex. The current boyfriend isn't too happy with that, and seeing he's 2 1/2 hours away from me, we had a pathetic MSN and txt 'discussion'. I might send him some photos of me in my new underwear to cheer him up
2 weeks until I get my industrial piercing! This site has also made me seriously consider getting my nipples pierced, too. I'm cringing at the thought of the pain, but they'd be so pretty. One day I'll work myself up to a VCH..

2 weeks until I get my industrial piercing! This site has also made me seriously consider getting my nipples pierced, too. I'm cringing at the thought of the pain, but they'd be so pretty. One day I'll work myself up to a VCH..
I LURVE my hood piercing, but it can get uncomfortable sometimes -- panties with a seam down the middle (like, actually, the ones I wore in Bushido) are kinda painful, and sometimes it can get all turned round and you have to reach into your pants while walking to sort it out.
I don't get embarassed easily, luckily.

Industrials bleed and hurt like fuck... I perferred sticking a needle through my head personaly it healed faster