Not that anyone will read this one either cuz i have no friends on here anymore but i'm leaving this place. Not that i don't like it , there is just too much hurt and i have to clean my life of all the things that cause me to hurt. This is one of them. if anybody that sees this really does want to talk...
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What is worse? Someone that lies to you to get what they want, or believing the lies so you can get what you want. does it even matter? I saw the last rocky flick yesterday. He said something about its not how hard you hit, its how hard you can get hit and keep on moving forward. I've taken some serious blows....nobody knows just how...
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Yeah so its been a while since i've posted anything. Life has been too much fun lately to spend alot of time online. Got married and moved my bride across a couple of states for us to be together and we got a place together. So for the last couple of months we've been settling in and all that goes with that. Life has been...
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11 days until i get to be with the one i love , forever and always <3 <3 <3 <3
holy shit i just realized its next saturday oh my god!!!!!!
holy shit i just realized its next saturday oh my god!!!!!!
i am too fat... it will be a while for the set....

Hahaha.... you are silly...

I'm gonna blow up all the computers at work and say we never got them, stupid machines gah, i leave for a month and people let everything go to shit,,then when i come back they dump it in my lap and head for the hills. turd burgling butt pirates i tell ya

bah hahahahahaha.... silly....

I'm finally back home,, well kinda , this doesn't really feel like my home but its a billion times better than before. I won't have a home until me and my sweetpea are together eating raw steak and drinking guinness :-P hehehe , but anyways i'm back and thats good for now. the month of hell is over, no more bullshit for a while. Although...
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Raw steak...i've heard of eating raw fish....but steak...
just 12 days left of this crap, about to go to the field for 8 days, woohooo yeah thats gonna be a blast but at least it will be over soon and i can come home. Can't wait till i get to come home to my sweetpea

yeah... you and me both kiddo...

I added some new pics from last weekend which was the best weekend of my entire life by the way hehe. So anyhow i posted some pics of me and my sweetpea

Fucking A!!
I'm glad to see you had a great weekend.
I'm glad to see you had a great weekend.

Mine was better... except when i had to leave...

Bleh , one week down, three more to go. It's like basic training but twice the stress, half the push ups and half the time. But at least i won't ever have to do it again. kisses to my sweetpea

Mmm... thanks bear... i love you too...

30 hours!!!!!!!!!! wooohoooo,
yaaaaay and tomorrow is gonna go super fast cause i'm gonna be busy all frickin day,, well the same goes for today too hehe

Happy B-day!
Yaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!! Happy b-day my love... wish i could be there...