We had a random drug screening at work last week. I got tagged for the first time in 3 years. Results came back today - - - Negative!!

OK, either the pill they gave me was a major dud, or these tests aren't worth shit. 4 days after I take it, and 2mg of Ativan doesn't show up??? Eh, what do I know? Maybe...
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I'm no longer a breeder.... frown Actually, according to the doc it'll be 12 weeks before he can officially pronounce me "sterile". The procedure went a helluva lot better than I expected. Apart from the three needle sticks (which were no fun) I felt nothing. There's some discomfort now, but it nothing I couldn't handle if I HAD to. So, I'm going to take a couple...
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I too have a particularly strong resistance to painkiller. They like to try and pump me full of lidacane, but it really just makes me stoned rather than actually kill the pain so the can do what it is they need to do. skull

No, i was unaware that i beared a resemblance to your local news lady. I would be interested in seeing screenshots or something as proof of this resemblance.
Slight reprieve... Due to an issue with my insurance, the intended procedure could not take place. It has been re-scheduled for two weeks hence.


Two more weeks to think about some guy I barely know going after my naughty bits with a knife. Can't wait.

On a positive note, I took the weekend and got more firewood prepped for next year. I think, at...
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Thank you wink
It's sloooowly going away - I just wish it would die out entirely already.
I'm SICK and tired of coughing!
Saturday was the Halloween Party, and apart from one very disappointing no-show it was a good one. This is the 12th or 13th year that we've done this now, and they never seem to get old. Same core group, we add one here, lose another there. We've gotten past the point in our lives where we drink to oblivion and then puke on the furniture,...
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Thank you!!

Getting fixed eh? Fuuun lol
Monday... Monday after inventory.... Dreary, wet, cold Monday after inventory.... What the hell am I doing out of my nice warm bed? Oh, right, the work thing. Feh.

Anyway, inventory went better than expected, so I shouldn't complain too much. Still, I'm going to, because the fact remains that I had to be at work by 6 a.m. on both Sat. and Sun. So,...
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Thank you!!
Did you ever have a commodore 64/128?

The pin came with the original release of Ultima 8. It came with a cloth map and that pin.

ahhhhh, 5 1/2 inch floppy. How i miss you so.
hello.....? Hello...!!!

Is this thing on??

Hi. Sorry. The "real" world has swallowed my fun for a while. For those that might actually read this: Yes, I am still alive. smile Busy, but alive.

However, on the positive side, this weekend will contain Thomas the Tank Engine. LOL No shit... My kids love it, and there is this place here in PA where you can go...
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In the home stretch now. Ghod, this is the worst part of it all, the last little bit before I can leave for Pennsic. I'm juggling about 10 little time bombs at work, hoping they won't go off until after I've gone. wink The Production Manager and I have agreed... No hard feelings about leaving issues for the other guy to deal with....
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Fuckin' amen to that. i'm SCRAMBLING to get everything squared away so that i can leave. I think i MIGHT make it.

Now that i'm thinking about it, Men Without Pants probably isn't a plan: being in the dark with lots of poeple might make it difficult to find eachother.

Saturday at midnight? I'm sure Inner Vagabond will be closed, but we can still use it as a landmark if nothing else.

OK, so I've bee to Pennsic and back at this point. Although I really love the way we've been doing this the last two years, it makes the week between land grab and middle Saturday a real bitch.

I mean, I love going out there for land grab, helping to set up camp, getting MY CHOICE of the premium camping spots. But coming home and...
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Ha ha. Good call. We're doing the same thing with a friend at school. If she's not ready to caravan when we're leaving, we're freaking leaving without her.
saturday at... 6? There might still be a crunch, but far enough before the parties to where we can take our time. I will most likely be taking my fiance as well.

My scadian name is Magdelena von der Rothermel. (complete with thorn in there, but that's a letter that isn't used at all anymore.)

Woo, i get directions this time!
We are Bloodmoon Clan in E04, near the solar showers. Intersection of Low Rd and Chandler's. Adjacent camps are always Yamikaminari, the japanese camp, the Barony of Marinus, and Stahlgeist, the camp with the crazy illuminated walls. Our gate isn't much to look at, and is often times impossible to find. tongue
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon......!!!

Stupid immutable laws of time and space. I want it to be FRIDAY!!!!!

Saturday @ midnight, eh? Isn't IYV closed by then? I mean, it would be ownage if they were open at freaking midnight. I'd always be there. O_o I like to take pictures there.

Is Oddessy open at midnight?
Oh, what about Men without Pants? My sister is part of Dun Faelen, so i'll definatley be attending.

If you're willing to come without pants, of course. hee hee.
Can you say "hot"?

How about "ghod-awful-South-American-rainforest-type-humidity"?

I'm really pretty done with this weather. I've never been a big fan of summer, and this is carrying it too far. *grumble grumble grumble*

On the positive side, only two more days of work this week!! WooHoo!!
Ah, ich sehe, i misread your profile.

they say the heat breaks on thursday, and it'll be in the 70s after that. XD

I gotta check on the class schedules this week so i can figure out when i'm free.
YIV is a place to go when you've a couple hours to kill, but not if you're in something of a rush.

Ooooo, illuminating. Illumination is a fancy of mine: i did some scrolls for the barony when my parents were in charge. i noticed there are a bunch of Illumination classes this year at War, which i totally intend on taking.

Ooo, Court Barony. ^ _ ^