Come on!

Come on, although ya try to discredit
Ya still never edit
The needle, I'll thread it
Radically poetic
Standin' with the fury that they had in '66
And like E-Double I'm mad
Still knee-deep in the system's shit
Hoover, he was a body remover
I'll give ya a dose
But it'll never come close
To the rage built up inside of...
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I hope you're not working too hard or at least have fun while you are. It's almost over...It's almost over... biggrin Take care!

Monday, April 05, 2004 - Page updated at 12:00 A.M.

1991 interview offered look into mind of a rising rock star

By Patrick MacDonald Seattle Times music critic

Kurt Cobain was eating lunch at his mom's house in Aberdeen when I called to interview him for a story on a show coming up about week later Halloween night at the Paramount Theatre.

It was Oct....
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"But I've got a new thing now. Every once in a while I wear an inflatable love doll. I cut the hands and feet off, slit the back and climb inside." ...

tongue that kicks ass.. EL SUICIDO LOCO

miao!! miao!!

This space intentionally left blank.

Although if intentions were different perhaps the tale of being confined inside on a fucking Saturday with actual sunshine and habitable warm temperature right outside of grasp while toiling away inside hostile conditions of an accountants office amongst the blind leading the blind pondering in amazement at the marvels of the double-click, email and the incomprehensible enigma that is the...
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08) Rearviewmirror Time: 4:43
Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

I took a drive today. Time to emancipate.
I guess it was the beatings, made me wise.
But I'm not about to give thanks or apologize.

I couldn't breathe. Holding me down.
Hand on my face. Pushed to the ground.
Enmity gauged. United by fear.
Forced to endure what I could not forgive.

I seem to...
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I have a feeling I might have topped the stupidest thing ever.
I did it again. Do you know what I mean? Don't yell at me.
My husband and I had a very long talk and he said he is 100% sure he wanted to and he was really sorry he flipped last time. My instinct said "History repeats itself" but I'm scared to say no. I guess time will tell.

Joe Dirt: So your gonna' tell me that you don't have no black cats, no roman candles, or screaming mimis?

Kicking Wing: No.

Joe Dirt: Oh come on man. You got no lady fingers, fuzz buttles, snicker bombs, church burners, finger blasters, gut busters, zippity do das, or crap flappers?

Kicking Wing: No, I don't.

Joe Dirt: You're gonna stand there, owning a fireworks stand,...
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I need a job, bad. Work is scarce around here. Your profile doesn't say what you do. If you don't mind me asking....What do you do?

[Edited on Mar 30, 2004 2:17PM]
Aren't you a part-time gator rassler? biggrin

12) Indifference Time: 5:02 Abbruzzese, Ament, Gossard, McCready, Vedder

I will light the match this morning so I won't be alone.
Watch as she lies silent for soon that will be gone.
Oh, I will stand arms outstretched. Pretend I'm free to roam.
Oh, I will make my way through one more day in hell.

How much difference does it make?

I will hold the...
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OMG!!!OMG!!! I love that car!!!!!!!!!!! No one has ever made the connection. I think I like you.... smile
Schism (tool)
I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them fall away
mildewed and smoldering, fundamental differing,
pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers souls in motion
disintegrating as it goes testing our communication
the light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so
we cannot see to reach an end crippling our communication.

I know the pieces fit cuz...
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Most definitely my favorite Tool song. I got goosebumps as I saw it on your journal. I relived the time I saw them in concert a couple of years ago. Great show. I went with a couple of friends. One would eventually become my fiancee (which she is no longer.) I sat there drunk off of one beer watching her move to the music. Seeing Maynard put all of his passion into it was great as well. Well I'm off to listen to it now. Later.
I am not at the point in my life when I can choke down another handful of criticisim. I can only take responsibility for being stupid enough not to hold my ground in my marriage.
You have a point in everything you said, but the force and anger that came as a side dish blinded my reasoning.
...hunched over engorged with embarrassment the anxious figure awaiting a response any response from customer service on the other end of the telephone

Hello, I do apologize for your wait time, MEGANET SERVICES LIMITED INCORPORATED this is Luanne in Existing Accounts how may I assist you this evening?

Trembling with visions of boundless possibility, he awkwardly clears his rasp throat

Yes, hi, hello I, pardon...
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Is it wrong to lust after, an object? Wrong to find yourself daydreaming about, an appliance? Pathetic to consider forgoing basic necessity in order to obtain this... this... shiny vision beckoning from afar?


Friends, I confess, had I continued to believe technology consisted merely of Dells, Gateways and Apples I would not be confessing this lust in my heart before you today. No the tried...
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Wow......are you a therapist? That was definately helpful to read. I wish the situation were as easy as "leave", but we were asked to move in a few months ago while we saved up for the big house we plan to buy this summer and since then I have loaned $500 to the sister-in-law and $1000 to the mother-in-law........GRRRRR.....it's not really a matter that $150 will make or break me, but I wonder if I will ever get these "loans" back and I don't like having my account depleted by that much. I'm not one of those people that want to live without a certain amount in savings, ya know what I mean? I'm just weird. But thank you soooo much for responding to my rant!!! kiss
VooDooo...VoooDoooo..... I think I need a bib! love love