None battle prove fast
eight at been enemy
foot earth egg.

Suppose minute gate
they fix.

Clock best happy
roll who cross.

Get face drop
floor close color
wing divide once.

Early ride step
across am talk

-anonymous spam poet

i can not thank you enough for your help... your research helps me out it is just so hard to try to research while i am so depressed...
foot earth egg huh!

The Snake, the rat, the cat, the dog
How you gon' see 'em if you livin in the fog

"Damien" DMX



It little profits that an idle king,
By this still hearth, among these barren crags,
Match'd with an aged wife, I mete and dole
Unequal laws unto a savage race,
That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me.
I cannot rest from travel: I will drink
Life to the lees: All times I have enjoy'd
Greatly, have suffer'd greatly, both with those...
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On Friday morning, of course I was ten minutes late are you kidding, Doctor was all, "have you heard the phrase 'Latency of Thought'"?

And, I was all, "...um, no... no I... have not"

latent /adj/ 1: potentially existing but not presently evident or realized; "a latent fingerprint"; "latent talent" 2: not presently active; "latent infection"
WordNet 2.0 2003 Princeton University All rights reserved

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i went to download that user manual and all it does is make a noise and then nothing, am i doing something wrong, because i can't get it to download.
yeah, i feel like a total idiot, i figured it out. my pop-up blocker was not allowing it to come through. thanks again for the link
blush nothing like a three day weekend :stretch: :yawn: peace all smile

...what's all this about Prom? ...after Prom? Is that where everyone lines up on opposite ends of the gymnasium and glares at each other until someone spikes the punch and a mosh pit ensues? THE OFFICIAL SG AFTER PROM SATURDAY MAY 22 2004 CLEVELAND

hello urnes! kiss
no your a hoe......he he te te te blush

If that's what it's going to be than I definitely have to go! I'm very good at being awkward around the ladies also. That's always a plus! biggrin

whatever urgh... again with this daily daily routine schedule consistent painful regular habitual automatic pilot learned behavior mad Ahye - shut up ya, Nancy-boy, take yer medicine and get back in ta line if ya know what good fer ye (spoken w/poor Scottish accent, no offense Groundskeeper Willy)

surreal PS. Do all minivans (w/ available DVD player so long as you watch appropriate material as dictated by...
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screw 'em G , we ain't all 'bout that, but then again nether are they

then again yeah, like rats in a trap ARRR!!!


yeah it felt good
Don't forget the official SG after Prom in Cleveland on the 22nd of May! Your not too far!

Check out the details here!

26 Apr 04 Gazing wide-eyed at countless awe-inspiring incarnation of loveliness throughout SG virtually eavesdropping amongst so many personal journal entries like the taken for granted channels of cable television occasionally loosing my footing falling deep deep into all too familiar velvet lust of gratuitous carnal fantasy satisfying raw animal crave -- little by little, nearly unnoticed, tiny tangents defiantly struggle wriggle their way into...
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HAHA! A good laugh before bedtime(?) is always good. Gotta love the Simpsons.

oh many a day... CTRL
Gazing wide-eyed at countless awe-inspiring incarnation of loveliness throughout SG virtually eavesdropping amongst so many personal journal entries like the taken for granted channels of cable television occasionally loosing my footing falling deep deep into all too familiar velvet lust of gratuitous carnal fantasy satisfying raw animal crave -- little by little, nearly unnoticed, tiny tangents defiantly struggle wriggle their way into my consciousness. Subsequent...
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Today is my birthday.

I am thirty-two years old.


Holy crap
Happy belated Birthday! Hope you celebrated well if you do that kind of thing. It's been awhile since I have. I'm planning on doing it this year though. Awesome profile pic!
happy birthday!
kiss oh SG how you've grown... lovely...

His best lines evoked both the sudden excitement of uncovering a lie, and the slow, sick feeling of learning to live with it. ''If you're black, America is like the uncle that paid your way through college,'' he said, and he sounded somehow triumphant as he delivered the punch line, ''but molested you.''

http://chrisrock.com/ biggrin