i love tv dinners. thats what i live off of.... smile
8-3-04 ~ 6:45 PM

Coincidence no doubt however the ultimate effect still just a chilling from my perspective.

Quickly approaching the exit ramp in the far left lane I caught a glimpse of apparently what I have been seeking for some time now. Unsure for a moment until I passed in front of the silver SUV with a sideways glance. Pow! I was up against...
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Still I am asleep lost in a weekend lost in denial. Oblivious to the real, embracing shallow splashing carefree through puddles created . . .

Mr. President, as I close, Mr. President, I heard you say Friday that you had questions for voters, particularly African- American voters. And you asked the question: Did the Democratic Party take us for granted? Well, I have raised questions. But let me answer your question.

You said the Republican Party was the party of Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. It is true that Mr. Lincoln...
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that was beautiful
thank you...
Wow, did I ever think I would stay up... on a school night to watch the Democratic national Convention? Fight Like a Girl! biggrin So many good speakers last night... he's got my vote - for PRESIDENT Obama FAQ take a peek, please... so much in the balance this time... much more than we all have been made aware... imagine what hasn't been broadcast by The...
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robot nothing works... I can get nothing to work... frown

Le sigh.

...attempting to establish some sort of online site up to my eyeballs in acronyms, my head spinning with lack of knowledge regarding all things Internet... PHP, SQL, SFTP, DAV... eeek although, I am guilty of thinking too much creating an apathy avalanche ultimately wiping out any desire which began my online quest in the first place......
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what you talking about willis? smile
a matisse fan huh? how come?

Altruism is an unselfish interest in helping someone else. It is a motivation that emphasizes the welfare of others while minimizing or ignoring the individual's own welfare.


Be careful what you wish for...

Jul 20, 2004
Man Who Killed Parents With Hammer and Knives Executed in Ohio;
Had Confessed, Pleaded Guilty
By Jonathan Drew
Associated Press Writer

LUCASVILLE, Ohio (AP) - A man who had dropped his appeals was executed Tuesday for beating and stabbing his sleeping parents to death with a hammer and kitchen knives after they hid his car keys...
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frown goddamnit.
No one needs to be testing a Waverunner at ten minutes til 8AM on a Saturday! puke Especially not my neighbor across the street! Damn you suburbanites! whatever