26 Apr 04 Gazing wide-eyed at countless awe-inspiring incarnation of loveliness throughout SG virtually eavesdropping amongst so many personal journal entries like the taken for granted channels of cable television occasionally loosing my footing falling deep deep into all too familiar velvet lust of gratuitous carnal fantasy satisfying raw animal crave -- little by little, nearly unnoticed, tiny tangents defiantly struggle wriggle their way into my consciousness. Subsequent thoughts snowball bandwagon pile on and -- well here I am, yet again, attempting merely decipher my thoughts perchance to gather some significance indeed if at all any does exist.
To be continued.
27 Apr 04 Blank stare keeps watch reflected in computer monitor much too close to tired eyes avoiding task at hand inbox furious with recent weight gain though always considered her more than adequately vain personally and clicking springs open wide another never-ending series of pathways leading nowhere and everywhere at the wrong place definitely the wrong time with the dialup whimpering packets flowing odd comments posted infrequently sneaking hidden glimpses of unknown never to be known yet wanted known those accomplishing strength within themselves allowing action creation function.
Waking up again finding drool -- evidence of daydreams evolving into nap, that and the tattletale CTRL key forehead imprint.
To be continued.
27 Apr 04 Blank stare keeps watch reflected in computer monitor much too close to tired eyes avoiding task at hand inbox furious with recent weight gain though always considered her more than adequately vain personally and clicking springs open wide another never-ending series of pathways leading nowhere and everywhere at the wrong place definitely the wrong time with the dialup whimpering packets flowing odd comments posted infrequently sneaking hidden glimpses of unknown never to be known yet wanted known those accomplishing strength within themselves allowing action creation function.
Waking up again finding drool -- evidence of daydreams evolving into nap, that and the tattletale CTRL key forehead imprint.
oh many a day... CTRL