Is it wrong to lust after, an object? Wrong to find yourself daydreaming about, an appliance? Pathetic to consider forgoing basic necessity in order to obtain this... this... shiny vision beckoning from afar?
Friends, I confess, had I continued to believe technology consisted merely of Dells, Gateways and Apples I would not be confessing this lust in my heart before you today. No the tried and true no longer will earn praise from me, friends. That ended with a simple click as my mouth wide open, paused all rational thought, before I realized it (whatever part responsible for impulsive actions in) my mind has composed numerous scenarios involving plasma donation, elective fasting and voluntary overtime.
What can have wield such power over one so quickly without warning as if mystical wares clouded my mind saturating the remaining grey matter with nary one fleeting thought one remaining Everest one elusiveGrail? Take heed sisters and brothers, mind your own reason, if indeed you ponder further summoning stomach necessary for you to follow in my footsteps down unmarked path that fateful day...
...have a great weekend all!
Wow......are you a therapist? That was definately helpful to read. I wish the situation were as easy as "leave", but we were asked to move in a few months ago while we saved up for the big house we plan to buy this summer and since then I have loaned $500 to the sister-in-law and $1000 to the's not really a matter that $150 will make or break me, but I wonder if I will ever get these "loans" back and I don't like having my account depleted by that much. I'm not one of those people that want to live without a certain amount in savings, ya know what I mean? I'm just weird. But thank you soooo much for responding to my rant!!!
VooDooo...VoooDoooo..... I think I need a bib!