i feel like i have fiberglass all over my body, and it hurts to high hell.
a chihuahua stole my underwear today.
i got sunburnt at starbucks.
i have a hole in my finger from digging out a splinter.
my boyfriend is worried. he's worried i think about girls more than him.
i don't want to leave the bay area.
a chihuahua stole my underwear today.
i got sunburnt at starbucks.
i have a hole in my finger from digging out a splinter.
my boyfriend is worried. he's worried i think about girls more than him.
i don't want to leave the bay area.
I love the bay area myself lived there a few years ago and I'm still trying to figure out why I ever left there
nothing like a little ankle biter stealing your underware damn little ankle biter
tell your boyfriend not to worry till you leave him for a girl
me either thats why I still live 3,000 + miles from california