well, work was interesting today. the internet went out yesterday, so i had to call MCN to fix it and they had me restart the computer. little did i know that we weren't supposed to turn the computer off at all while the bosses were gone because then we'd have to backup guest tracker. well i didn't, and then guest tracker stopped working. for those of you who do not work at an inn, let me just tell you that guest tracker is that keeps track of all reservations, payments, deposits, guest information... just about every important thing we deal with on a day to day basis. so then i had to call rezovation services, and i had to wait for their tech support to call me back, and then they got me to fix it. but it was the wrong database. so then i had to call my boss in chicago, and she directed me to the right database, but we still lost everything we've put into the computer in the last 3 days. its not catastrophic, but its a lot of tedious work to get caught up again. but on a happier note... uh... i'm going to go make myself a sandwhich.

What kind?
Love the set! You're very beautiful
well at least theres sandwiches and queen.