the black pearl...
ze black pearl. I just love that beast at 110+ some where after 2 am
ok. so I got fukin hammered.
random girls, random bar, random day of the week.
and I'm just waiting for some one to save me.
yep, any minute now my phone is gonna ring.
yes sir, that one special girl is gonna come get my drunk ass, wherever I am, and take me some place warm and love me and treaT ME RIGHT...
last call.
that's all right, I think she's still working. but uh, I guess i'll go get some pizza in the meantime.
alright. never mind. you're my favorite girl now, and I gotta go.
in a minute.
i think the suns coming up.
and my little black race car, she's there for me... maybe a ticket or two but she patiently awaits.
that car always goes faster in the wee hours.
faster and faster, louder she goes.
somewhere down the off ramp a big ass rac-fukkin-coon saunters into my path.
so I'm doing 85 and a slight swerve seems to let all hell break loose.
tires spinnining, squeeling as I take a new angle
a new perpective on the next 200 feet.
a new out look on life.
stupid racoon.
sweet race car.
stupid girls not takin care of me as the sun rises and my car spins and spins.
I wonder if there is something to munch on at home... that is, if I make it back tonight.
Sounds like beat poetry!