The weather is finally cooling off so I got outside in the yard for the first time all summer. It always feels good when you get something done but damn... its been hard to get started this year. I always feel better when it starts to cool down so maybe I'll stick with it and get some more done that I been planning on for years now. I basically hate the grass in my yard so I am starting a project to kill it all and replace it with rock and mulch beds like they do out west like in New Mexico and areas like that. I have been studying some pictures of that kind of thing so I think I can put something together, we'll see.
Still waiting for word if my license gets approved or not... ppffffllghghhh#$@$%@$#%^$.
Boys are great, they are having a good time in school. Hope I get school pics this year. Ha! my sister showed me a photo she found of me when I was about 12... Josiah looks just like me, its amazing. Except for the red hair its right down to the gaps in his teeth. I love it.
Still waiting for word if my license gets approved or not... ppffffllghghhh#$@$%@$#%^$.
Boys are great, they are having a good time in school. Hope I get school pics this year. Ha! my sister showed me a photo she found of me when I was about 12... Josiah looks just like me, its amazing. Except for the red hair its right down to the gaps in his teeth. I love it.

Some houses up here have gone with the same landscaping concept.
what grades are the boys in? glad to hear that they are doing good!
how have you been?