I pick up my boys on christmas day this year. We will go to the beach. It has become sort of a thing we look forward to every year. I'll get some fireworks and we will build a fire in the dune and hang out. It is a nice time and they are excited as always. The house is on the end of the street, right up on the dune and offers a view of the gulf where you can see the lights from the oil derricks and the ships traveling in and out of the bay. Not quite the astonishing beauty of the jewel colored waters of the Carrib or Hawaii but it still carries the unique pulse of the ocean and its ability to capture you in is rythm. I love going down there and spending time with my boys. I like to hold them and it seems like I'm always huggin on them... they are 11 and 9 and starting to become young men instead of being my "little guys". So I have to respectfully take every public moment presented to me to show my affection and pride for them to their increasingly squeemish responses to such displays.
I do not think I will ever do anything so well in my life as having been a part of creating them. They are my redemption for everything I have failed in. There is nothing so precious as the love of your children.
I do not think I will ever do anything so well in my life as having been a part of creating them. They are my redemption for everything I have failed in. There is nothing so precious as the love of your children.
Happy New Year

you sound like a great dad.