Just had to clear that last one off of this, bad energy and all that, right? Taking a road trip this week for the company... little install job about three hours away so a couple nights in a small, sleepy little texas town. Should actually be kind of nice to get a little distance from... whatever. Aloha.
I am the victim of upper managerial... bullshit, no respecting, dishonest, power playing, behind the door dealing, good ole boy Filth! I have been vomited on and I am still supposed to be "glad I have a job in these times because their are many more unfortunate than you". Fuck that. Duh.. of course I am happy I have a job. That doesn't apply to...
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I'm sorry that sucks...

god i'm just soooo pooped, i don't even really know why. checked for messages and i'm crashing. later.

i hate days like that
I got my license back. It was really the only way that I was going to affect any change in my life while I am on probation, and it had to be approved by the white hairs BEcause I am on probation but.... hot damn i got it and my man is putting a deal together for me to make a lateral...
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I got my license back. It was really the only way that I was going to affect any change in my life while I am on probation, and it had to be approved by the white hairs BEcause I am on probation but.... hot damn i got it and my man is putting a deal together for me to make a lateral...
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Awesome. Things are looking up for you.

go you!

It rained for the first time today in a long, long time so I get off of work and I'm sitting in the carport listening and watching. It occurs to me that this is one of those moments... you know the kind where you wished someone was sitting there beside you, maybe holding your hand but not really needing to say anything, just sharing the...
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A little companionship is nice at times

The weather is finally cooling off so I got outside in the yard for the first time all summer. It always feels good when you get something done but damn... its been hard to get started this year. I always feel better when it starts to cool down so maybe I'll stick with it and get some more done that I been planning on for...
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Good luck with your license
Some houses up here have gone with the same landscaping concept.

Some houses up here have gone with the same landscaping concept.
i hate cutting the gras... haha...
what grades are the boys in? glad to hear that they are doing good!
how have you been?
what grades are the boys in? glad to hear that they are doing good!
how have you been?
Ok so I have been abnormaly busy and it pisses me off. Not that I am against working hard... I just hate being rushed and under pressure. People say that they perform better under pressure... not I, I get all stressed and fragmented and well.... pissed.
Whatever, I took my fire alarm exam and passed so now I have to write this thing and send...
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Whatever, I took my fire alarm exam and passed so now I have to write this thing and send...
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Oh, well, thank you very much, also on behalf of my husband. That was a very nice thing to say...
I really really love your chestpiece, it's so massive and big. It's wonderful!

I really really love your chestpiece, it's so massive and big. It's wonderful!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
:Guilty: I work best under pressure. A blessing and curse, right?
:Guilty: I work best under pressure. A blessing and curse, right?
I'm going to take my exam on Thursday to try and get my fire alarm license back. It has been long enough now that maybe I will get approved by the criminal review board to hold it, even though I am still on probation. There is a chance so I have to try. Not having my license all these years has been shitty. I have...
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Doesn't the heat make everyone lazy. Good luck with your fire alarm License.
The boys are gone and back home safely, they already started school and are back in the grind. The house always rings with this strange empty silence for a while after they go. Lots of good times and laughs and I find that to be more true each summer as they come back a little older and able to express things to me with more...
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looks like fun times!! soo is one of your boys an artisit?? looks like it with the picture he's drawing....
oo and by the way, you have a cute house!
oo and by the way, you have a cute house!
I was a bookworm in the summers too

The carts look awesome. Glad your spending time with your boys!

yea i'm having a couple people over! it should be nice! i'm making sooooo much food!
anyways, have fun on ur road trip!