Update time!
Got to see my best buddy Damone briefly last week! It was awesome seeing her, and, being the amazing best friend she is, she brought the rest of my stuff up from my ex's in Tennessee (which means I've got my records & record player back!!!!) We went out to grab some hookah with her sister and our buddy, it was a nice little sit down.
Seeing Damone always makes me so happy, I just miss her terribly as soon as she leaves
In other news, got the shots back from my shoot a couple weeks ago with JK London
AND the set I shot with Scott Smallin is in queue finally!! Still got a bit, doesn't hit MR til January 27th, but I'll keep reminding. Just have to space out the teasers heh...
Other than all that, I've just been enjoying Columbus. Been drinking a lot more often, as I've said before, but have gotten really into wine. Cab sav's are where it's at.
Also have been thinking a lot. About life, about love, and perceptions of both. I've realized I really am a hopeless romantic, but almost in a tragic sense, because I feel like I once had that idealistic love that I long for. That all-encompassing, super passionate, heart racing the entire time kind of thing, where the feeling and the passion don't fade after the beginning. I want that complete understanding between two individuals, where you can talk for hours without trying, and then sometimes words aren't even necessary. I want to be held like he can protect me from the world and I want to be the light in his life, where the shittiness fades just because I'm around. I had that once, and I lost it. And every man since has only gotten compared. I've tried telling myself to settle for the next best thing, but a part of me refuses. I have to have that in my life or I won't truly be happy. The only question is whether or not I'll find it again. Cross your fingers for me everyone, the phalanges I've got just aren't enough to pull in that kind of luck.
Speaking of great luck... I fainted in public. Now, I don't think I've ever touched on it on here, but I pass out from time to time, for no reason, and it had been a while since I'd had any problems. Anyway, I was at Kobo with some friends to see their friend's show(the saturday giant). Everything was fine then BAM out of nowhere I felt it coming on. Next thing I know, voices are fading in and out and my vision starts to come back and just as I realize what happened, I lose consciousness again. For me, It feels like I'm launched full force into vivid dreams, then slowly come out of it. But for everyone else, it looks like I drop dead. A little scary for them, mostly just embarrassing for me. Also bummed I missed the rest of the show :/
This is already a significantly long post, so I'll cut it off here and leave ya with some tunes I've been jammin to lately.
Much love dearies
Got to see my best buddy Damone briefly last week! It was awesome seeing her, and, being the amazing best friend she is, she brought the rest of my stuff up from my ex's in Tennessee (which means I've got my records & record player back!!!!) We went out to grab some hookah with her sister and our buddy, it was a nice little sit down.

Seeing Damone always makes me so happy, I just miss her terribly as soon as she leaves

In other news, got the shots back from my shoot a couple weeks ago with JK London

AND the set I shot with Scott Smallin is in queue finally!! Still got a bit, doesn't hit MR til January 27th, but I'll keep reminding. Just have to space out the teasers heh...

Other than all that, I've just been enjoying Columbus. Been drinking a lot more often, as I've said before, but have gotten really into wine. Cab sav's are where it's at.
Also have been thinking a lot. About life, about love, and perceptions of both. I've realized I really am a hopeless romantic, but almost in a tragic sense, because I feel like I once had that idealistic love that I long for. That all-encompassing, super passionate, heart racing the entire time kind of thing, where the feeling and the passion don't fade after the beginning. I want that complete understanding between two individuals, where you can talk for hours without trying, and then sometimes words aren't even necessary. I want to be held like he can protect me from the world and I want to be the light in his life, where the shittiness fades just because I'm around. I had that once, and I lost it. And every man since has only gotten compared. I've tried telling myself to settle for the next best thing, but a part of me refuses. I have to have that in my life or I won't truly be happy. The only question is whether or not I'll find it again. Cross your fingers for me everyone, the phalanges I've got just aren't enough to pull in that kind of luck.
Speaking of great luck... I fainted in public. Now, I don't think I've ever touched on it on here, but I pass out from time to time, for no reason, and it had been a while since I'd had any problems. Anyway, I was at Kobo with some friends to see their friend's show(the saturday giant). Everything was fine then BAM out of nowhere I felt it coming on. Next thing I know, voices are fading in and out and my vision starts to come back and just as I realize what happened, I lose consciousness again. For me, It feels like I'm launched full force into vivid dreams, then slowly come out of it. But for everyone else, it looks like I drop dead. A little scary for them, mostly just embarrassing for me. Also bummed I missed the rest of the show :/
This is already a significantly long post, so I'll cut it off here and leave ya with some tunes I've been jammin to lately.
Much love dearies

no bueno.
I love and miss you
Get your butt down here so we can shoot a multi!!
I love you deary we need to skype!
I cant wait to see the new set...