had an awesome weekend!!
the gallery was amazing, it was beyond words, and seeing alissa and a few other friendly faces made it all the better! finally got to meet the lovely & sweet zebrah, and sir cutcopydestroy entertained my stoner side
AND got to meet gary mitchell and planning to shoot sometime soon. followed the gallery up with a few drinks with friends. it was a wonderful evening all around.
then my shoot was so much fun! we shot at jolie laide salon, i got my hair and make up done (the girls were awesome!), got to drink a little wine, and laugh a lot
no pictures yet but i will of course post them as soon as i get them.
in other news DAMONE'S BACK IN OHIO!!!! EEEEE!!!!! can't fuckin wait to see my best buddy!!!
just peed a little...
anyway, expect some crazy adventure story in the next few days, we're gonna tear shit up like always

the gallery was amazing, it was beyond words, and seeing alissa and a few other friendly faces made it all the better! finally got to meet the lovely & sweet zebrah, and sir cutcopydestroy entertained my stoner side

then my shoot was so much fun! we shot at jolie laide salon, i got my hair and make up done (the girls were awesome!), got to drink a little wine, and laugh a lot

in other news DAMONE'S BACK IN OHIO!!!! EEEEE!!!!! can't fuckin wait to see my best buddy!!!
just peed a little...
anyway, expect some crazy adventure story in the next few days, we're gonna tear shit up like always

nice meeting you love. You're gorgeous!