took a little longer than expected for me to even back out after my trip to ohio, as soon as i decompressed, my friend and i went to lima to visit for a few nights. got to see some good friends who i dearly missed and found a bar i actually like there. (yes im slowly becoming an alcoholic. it started with havin a drink with dinner and its growing to full force again)
but let me catch you up. last tuesday i arrived in columbus after a 24 hour long greyhound trip, where i made a few friends along the way, one of whom is an ex-madame (she was the shit). ive also started a personal tradition of making friends and smoking a blunt with strangers at some point every greyhound trip
after arriving i was greeted with a smoke down, the following night i had the most visual acid trip ive ever had to date, and the night after i was drunk in lima haha ive celebrated being back, i didnt realize how much i missed ohio.
and now im just looking for a job here, and after that, i need to find a tattoo shop to get acquainted with and finaggle my way into an apprenticeship :p i just need a steady income before i can pursue it so my focus is a job and money for now. hopefully i can get a job at mozaik, thatd be the bee's knees. cross your fingers for me!
also wanna set up a shoot with alissa brunelli again soon, i miss her!! and start planning my first multi.... oh yeah, the new set shot by scott smallin is coming to mr soon, i'll post more teasers in a couple days...
think that just about does it. happy to be in columbus, happy for things to come. hope everyones feelin as good as me right now
and if not, let me know, ive learned a few good jokes

took a little longer than expected for me to even back out after my trip to ohio, as soon as i decompressed, my friend and i went to lima to visit for a few nights. got to see some good friends who i dearly missed and found a bar i actually like there. (yes im slowly becoming an alcoholic. it started with havin a drink with dinner and its growing to full force again)
but let me catch you up. last tuesday i arrived in columbus after a 24 hour long greyhound trip, where i made a few friends along the way, one of whom is an ex-madame (she was the shit). ive also started a personal tradition of making friends and smoking a blunt with strangers at some point every greyhound trip

and now im just looking for a job here, and after that, i need to find a tattoo shop to get acquainted with and finaggle my way into an apprenticeship :p i just need a steady income before i can pursue it so my focus is a job and money for now. hopefully i can get a job at mozaik, thatd be the bee's knees. cross your fingers for me!
also wanna set up a shoot with alissa brunelli again soon, i miss her!! and start planning my first multi.... oh yeah, the new set shot by scott smallin is coming to mr soon, i'll post more teasers in a couple days...
think that just about does it. happy to be in columbus, happy for things to come. hope everyones feelin as good as me right now


did you get dirty franks after you got off the bus?
I like that your so happy soaking up life fitly! Can't wait for teasers !!