Really think it's time to do another set, looking for a willing photographer in the area BUT Tennessee weather ROCKS sometimes. yeah, there's already been some crazy storms since I've been here, but yesterday and today we're talkin all heat, all sunshine, and im in heaven! time to lay out and finally get some color wooo!

good thing i've got these baller sunglasses :p

But really, tennessee has been treating me well. the man and i hit up a thrift store the other day for shits and gigs, and actually found some pretty sweet shit. for example, an old hat box (c.1940's) from a well known company, and a scale we're not quite sure what to do with yet.

and other than the occasional adventure, i've spent a lot of my time playing call of duty, doing yoga, and hangin with these two>>

i'm hoping to find a job and get out and make some new friends in the near future, really get adjusted to the area, and looking forward to heading back to ohio in a few weeks for [MEMBER=Damoan's] graduation, and the boo and I might make a trip to chicago soon as well? time will tell, but that's all for now, other than the always present last note to leave some love on my set in MR as well as [MEMBER=Damoan's] set!! thanks all

good thing i've got these baller sunglasses :p

But really, tennessee has been treating me well. the man and i hit up a thrift store the other day for shits and gigs, and actually found some pretty sweet shit. for example, an old hat box (c.1940's) from a well known company, and a scale we're not quite sure what to do with yet.

and other than the occasional adventure, i've spent a lot of my time playing call of duty, doing yoga, and hangin with these two>>

i'm hoping to find a job and get out and make some new friends in the near future, really get adjusted to the area, and looking forward to heading back to ohio in a few weeks for [MEMBER=Damoan's] graduation, and the boo and I might make a trip to chicago soon as well? time will tell, but that's all for now, other than the always present last note to leave some love on my set in MR as well as [MEMBER=Damoan's] set!! thanks all

It just isnt the same without you!