OH DEARIES its been too long, i've been a little caught up in my clusterfuck of a life and haven't been on the computer much. i promise a biiiig looong sexy picture blog soon, but first off i really want to thank everyone for the love on my set, and although i'm still not pink, it made me feel really good to break 1000 comments, i love you guys! thanks so much, words can't explain. in other newssss MY BFF IS A HOPEFUL NOW! and while most of you have already figured this out, if you haven't yet, please do check out my other half, the most beautiful girl i know inside and out-- Damoan. as far as me, nothings changed really. still have some work to do on the painting, my chest healed but of course needs touched up, and i've been spending the last week or so in tennessee with the love of my life, soon to return back to ohio and my mundane life (but atleast reunited with my bff(who i fucking miss)) thats really all i got, hope everyone has a good one

thanx! i love your set, hope you'll go pink soon! 

you w3ill get it