Please Share... My re-assessment of SOYLENT GREEN on the 50th Anniversary of its release. The movie has gone from Punchline to Docudrama, as our world becomes more and more dystopian. Link here



Holy Shit... OPPENHEIMER was great.

I will definitely watch this movie
Great movie!!!!!!

Here’s something I never thought I’d say… the new BARBIE movie is one of the most pointed political satires I’ve ever seen. Brava, Greta Gerwig.

Great!  Now I have to see it!
I love your review 😊

LINK: https://artsfuse.org/276507/film-review-mission-impossible-dead-reckoning-part-one-the-best-ever/?fbclid=IwAR38Y928S-Mm9YXUPgADqCgfj1EWhYpXPhXpsqPVxzaLd_xjcTJRcr2hu9U


It's the best Lovecraft movie since RE-ANIMATOR...

"So Flounder, Ariel’s little fishy pal, speaking with a child’s voice, is adorable as a cartoon. But Flounder, Ariel’s little fishy pal speaking with a child’s voice in the form of a perfectly executed photorealistic CGI rendering, is a schizophrenic slap. Just as it would be if your cat or dog disputed with you in human accents."



...And for the record, if a very specific line delivered in a very specific tone doesn't go through your head when you see this image, I'm not sure we can be friends.


I don't know who you all are, or what you're going through. I just know that no matter what, this image of a kid in a wheelchair crowdsurfing at a Ministry show will make your life a little warmer and fuzzier for a minute or two.


I always loved this moment in the 1958 cheese-fest, THE CRAWLING EYE. To set up the scene, just outside the building these two love-birds occupy, the UN has just sent fighter jets to drop napalm onto a phalanx of giant, hostile aliens, which erupt into billowing clouds of smoke before they burn and melt. The place is surrounded by smoking pools of cooling napalm, and
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From my review of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 at The Arts Fuse:

"Armed with a quarter of a billion dollars from the people who chucked him to the MAGA wolves, Gunn has created one of the most mean-spirited and nasty movies to have come down the pike since Straw Dogs. It’s a Molotov cocktail tossed over his shoulder into the Disney offices as he
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Does anybody else find it weird that after the superhero movie satire BIRDMAN, Michael Keaton is playing in more actual superhero movies than... well... just about anyone?