Randumb thoughts:
College area bars should be required by law to have three bartenders on duty during the weekend nights, especially ones that have rediculously low prices.
My girlfriend has a secret superpower. Everything she cooks is awesome, even when she makes shit up. It must be a superpower because she has yet to have anything turn out badly. Her cheesecake is to die for.
I've met a several SGs in the last few months. Out of all of them, Al seems the most normal. Why my girlfriend is awestruck around her is one of the great mysteries of the universe.
I've witnessed both lil_tuffy and MisterSatan perform renditions of "Sister Christian". I can't decide who's better, so I propose they face off on American Idol during sweeps week.
Tjaden doesn't know it yet, but his picture of a trainwreck will be gracing my new home. I have a spot for it on the wall in my future garage.
I think that's enough name dropping for now.
College area bars should be required by law to have three bartenders on duty during the weekend nights, especially ones that have rediculously low prices.
My girlfriend has a secret superpower. Everything she cooks is awesome, even when she makes shit up. It must be a superpower because she has yet to have anything turn out badly. Her cheesecake is to die for.
I've met a several SGs in the last few months. Out of all of them, Al seems the most normal. Why my girlfriend is awestruck around her is one of the great mysteries of the universe.
I've witnessed both lil_tuffy and MisterSatan perform renditions of "Sister Christian". I can't decide who's better, so I propose they face off on American Idol during sweeps week.
Tjaden doesn't know it yet, but his picture of a trainwreck will be gracing my new home. I have a spot for it on the wall in my future garage.
I think that's enough name dropping for now.

thanx for saying it twice

I don't think the Democrats are wrong to fight Nader any more than the Republicans are wrong to support him. They're both doing what they should be doing. What's ridiculous is Nader campaigning on a platform of moral purity while taking money from some of the most reprehensible hatchet men in the country. On what basis does he criticize the Democrats?