Woohoo!! Now we can choose five favorite SGs! Theres two of ya that need to go up there ASAP
Dinner party was a success! Everyone came over and made yummy eating noises
The Spanish sheep cheese made my mouth orgasm. Sissy made homemade Salsa.. uuhuhhhhhh I gorged myself like a Roman
Later, after everyone left, Sissy and I watched Army of Darkness while getting drunk off Southern comfort and Cider.Gave me a nice warm feeling in my belly.
Today was my mothers birthday. We went to some floating restaurant called Mike Finks. They charged my father $150 for a meal that I could out-class by cooking up $15 worth of groceries. How do they manage to zap the flavor out of my slab of steak making it taste like shoe leather is beyond me. At least they had some good 30s jazz playing in the background. We all came dressed up in our fine threads and my brother wore jeans, sneakers, and a tee-shirt with the bones of the human body on it. Ahhhh bless that man. Hes about the most unstressed individual I know.
Hmmm what else I may go on a trip to visit a certain SG whom has offered to host me if I decided to visit her. Looking at train schedules and it dont look half bad
Id have to take a train cus 1) Micah hates, hates, hates, hates, hates driving. 2) La Greyhound is for shit. And, 3) Micah is too cheap to fly
Anyways, I think Id be neat to take a train and watch all the scenery go by. I could borrow a laptop from work and write all you lovely people. Also, Id get some reading done. Meh.. well see.
-Dee Micah

Dinner party was a success! Everyone came over and made yummy eating noises

Later, after everyone left, Sissy and I watched Army of Darkness while getting drunk off Southern comfort and Cider.Gave me a nice warm feeling in my belly.
Today was my mothers birthday. We went to some floating restaurant called Mike Finks. They charged my father $150 for a meal that I could out-class by cooking up $15 worth of groceries. How do they manage to zap the flavor out of my slab of steak making it taste like shoe leather is beyond me. At least they had some good 30s jazz playing in the background. We all came dressed up in our fine threads and my brother wore jeans, sneakers, and a tee-shirt with the bones of the human body on it. Ahhhh bless that man. Hes about the most unstressed individual I know.
Hmmm what else I may go on a trip to visit a certain SG whom has offered to host me if I decided to visit her. Looking at train schedules and it dont look half bad

-Dee Micah
we love you guys,
my bro, S. and i had an awesome time,
and greg morris and co. enjoyed my xtra custards.
and on another note,
if $ ever loosens it's noose,
yawfren loves driving haha!
So who is the lucky SG you are visiting?? Flying is so the best form of transport i think.. i hate trains.. takes way too long, and strangely enough in australia it is now cheaper to catch a plane to places like sydney and melbourne than catching a train?? thanks to richard branson and his millions!..
Glad to hear the dinner went well!!.. nothing like a good mouth orgasm!
Thanks for the supportive comments on my company! .. things are all still going wrong... but i refuse to let it beat me!!
I had a look at the um 'crazy church'.. church of satan site... aand i agree... kinda scary!