An admirer of The Micah has taken it upon themselves to gift me with a free three month membership.
I really can't blame them: I am pretty amazing.
However, this is not to say Micah will not earn his bread. Expect epic entertainment in the form of Cheesy movie reviews in the near future.

[update] My bad, seems SG has been handing out a lot of free accounts to people in an attempt to get them back. E-mail I got was a little miss-leading. That's lame. Continues to exude a corporate flavor. That's chillingly bitter.
An admirer of The Micah has taken it upon themselves to gift me with a free three month membership.
I really can't blame them: I am pretty amazing.
However, this is not to say Micah will not earn his bread. Expect epic entertainment in the form of Cheesy movie reviews in the near future.

[update] My bad, seems SG has been handing out a lot of free accounts to people in an attempt to get them back. E-mail I got was a little miss-leading. That's lame. Continues to exude a corporate flavor. That's chillingly bitter.

gah! it's the zombie accounts up from the dead!

Shut up, it's still a free 3 months!