Ran today for the first time since my illness (ten days ago). It went better then expected. No acidy lung or terrible coughing spasms. I feel pretty good actually. The rolls were shakin though, so Im glad Im back on my exercise routine.
I was driving out to another company site today and saw a church called Crazy Church. The letters were in this weird scribbly print, and the building looked like an airplane factory. It was creepy, to say the least. I wonder how the members fair at evangelism? Hi! Im a member of the crazy Christian church *door slams in face*
Hey folks! Im Crrrrrrazy Pastor Bob of the Crrrrrrrrazy Church! At our Church, you dont have to tithe 10% of your income. No sirree we only require 9.5%! Why?! Cus were CRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAZY!
Sissy took me out last night. We discussed the possibility of talking a road trip to Montreal later this year. I need to find someone to go along, being as my sissy is bringing her Rocket-scientist boyfriend and I dont want to play third wheel. Id ask my friend Kat but shes super busy with school and completely broke. Sooo. Anyone up for a road trip?
-Me again
I was driving out to another company site today and saw a church called Crazy Church. The letters were in this weird scribbly print, and the building looked like an airplane factory. It was creepy, to say the least. I wonder how the members fair at evangelism? Hi! Im a member of the crazy Christian church *door slams in face*
Hey folks! Im Crrrrrrazy Pastor Bob of the Crrrrrrrrazy Church! At our Church, you dont have to tithe 10% of your income. No sirree we only require 9.5%! Why?! Cus were CRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAZY!
Sissy took me out last night. We discussed the possibility of talking a road trip to Montreal later this year. I need to find someone to go along, being as my sissy is bringing her Rocket-scientist boyfriend and I dont want to play third wheel. Id ask my friend Kat but shes super busy with school and completely broke. Sooo. Anyone up for a road trip?

-Me again