*Micah presses his knuckles against his head*
Sorry guys. Had to get that out *whew*!
Spent 12 hours with the family today. I guess it was great to see my relatives and all but theyre very annoying in that sickly-sweet way. They make little comments where they think theyre picking fun and lightly joking, In actuality, its like grading my teeth together.
Examples: So Yer cousin Christy is Pregnant when you goina find a woman and have an addition; HEHE And So Yer Mom tells me ya been sleepin in on SundaysGetin a little lazy there aint ya? HAR HAR!
My whole family is from Northern Wisconsin. For some reason they feel the need to start every sentence with So.yer or Ya know or WellI tell ya
I am drinking some wine right now to calm my nerves. My niece Aria will be here in a minute to spend the night (My mother has to go to Mexico in the morning and needs someone to watch her between 4-5 am) Looking forward to it, as my niece is really sweet when shes not around my irritating mother. Soooo must cut this short so she doesnt see naked girlies on me computer screen when she gets here
More tomorrow
Sorry guys. Had to get that out *whew*!
Spent 12 hours with the family today. I guess it was great to see my relatives and all but theyre very annoying in that sickly-sweet way. They make little comments where they think theyre picking fun and lightly joking, In actuality, its like grading my teeth together.
Examples: So Yer cousin Christy is Pregnant when you goina find a woman and have an addition; HEHE And So Yer Mom tells me ya been sleepin in on SundaysGetin a little lazy there aint ya? HAR HAR!
My whole family is from Northern Wisconsin. For some reason they feel the need to start every sentence with So.yer or Ya know or WellI tell ya
I am drinking some wine right now to calm my nerves. My niece Aria will be here in a minute to spend the night (My mother has to go to Mexico in the morning and needs someone to watch her between 4-5 am) Looking forward to it, as my niece is really sweet when shes not around my irritating mother. Soooo must cut this short so she doesnt see naked girlies on me computer screen when she gets here
More tomorrow
you weren't missing much this weekend.
sometimes when my family gets together they drink too much and everyone gets obnoxious and someone ends up crying. it's quite entertaining as long as you aren't the one crying. i've been lucky so far but since i have their sense of humor it's probably a little harder to get to me hehe.