I suppose Micah should write in his journal more often; like its a healthy creative or mental outletersomethinglikethat. What does one do when they are bored and uninspired? Do you really need an outlet? Or maybe a need to crab and bitch: which none of you want to hear, Im sure.
Im drinking chocolate milk right now. I have no idea why, but Micah started to have a craving for chocolate milk last time he was in la grocery and bought a big bottle of chocolate syrup. Got to be syrup man just cant deal with trying to mix that powdery shit.
Christ Im in a crabby mood. There should be a Dial-and-bitch hotline where you pay $x.xx per minute to have someone listen to you bitch about everything. Naww. Only really works for me if its someone I know. I need a bitch buddy: someone I can call and bitch at and then they can bitch at me when they feel so inclined. Any takers?
This weekend Miss Yawfren is reading poetry at the Sunflower. Other then that things are dismally boring here in Cincy.
Still waiting for me sister to come into town. Now shes thinking of staying in Florence instead of moving to Rome. That sucks because I like the Romans sooooo much better then the Florentines. The Florentines were such snobby assholes
Please cast your votes for whom Micah needs to give a chocolate milk enema.
I still love you
-Crabby old Micah
Im drinking chocolate milk right now. I have no idea why, but Micah started to have a craving for chocolate milk last time he was in la grocery and bought a big bottle of chocolate syrup. Got to be syrup man just cant deal with trying to mix that powdery shit.
Christ Im in a crabby mood. There should be a Dial-and-bitch hotline where you pay $x.xx per minute to have someone listen to you bitch about everything. Naww. Only really works for me if its someone I know. I need a bitch buddy: someone I can call and bitch at and then they can bitch at me when they feel so inclined. Any takers?
This weekend Miss Yawfren is reading poetry at the Sunflower. Other then that things are dismally boring here in Cincy.
Still waiting for me sister to come into town. Now shes thinking of staying in Florence instead of moving to Rome. That sucks because I like the Romans sooooo much better then the Florentines. The Florentines were such snobby assholes

Please cast your votes for whom Micah needs to give a chocolate milk enema.
I still love you

-Crabby old Micah
Anyway, thanks for the comments... and yeah the posion ivy is completely gone, things are going well...