So at what point do you realize that you're no longer having high standards and have become plain old picky? I was speaking with a really tall, cute, and decently intelligent English literature major. Buther VOICE AHHH!! It was annoying. She sounded like a cross between a valley girl and that 70 year old woman you hear yelling at her cats next door.
But on top of that, our conversation was shallow and simplistic. I expect more from a literature major.
Anywho Micah is drunk right now. Not extremely drunk, but kind of a sassy drunk. I feel like Ive had some wine. Mostly liquor the whole evening though. Think it will be tome for beddy-bye soon
Finale note: I WORSHIP Siv and if her next set does not go up soon I fear I shall die.
The End
But on top of that, our conversation was shallow and simplistic. I expect more from a literature major.
Anywho Micah is drunk right now. Not extremely drunk, but kind of a sassy drunk. I feel like Ive had some wine. Mostly liquor the whole evening though. Think it will be tome for beddy-bye soon
Finale note: I WORSHIP Siv and if her next set does not go up soon I fear I shall die.
The End

voices can be significant, really. if you can't stand to hear it for 5 mins just imagine a whole date, or many of them. a sexy voice is a big turn on, on the other hand.
canada yo