If its not Thai or Indian that is making Micah fat, its Korean. Mmmmmmm
Ok, so I call some customer service departments today because we have some late orders. As soon as I mention I have a problem, the people start getting pissy and irate. Um wait a sec IM the one with the fucking problem.. arent I supposed to get pissed? Instead, Micah is having to calm THEM down so he can get the information he needs. I realize that customer service is a shitty job. Micah is the insane product of 5 years of customer service. But Jesus people, take a chill-pill.
Micahs pad:
Micah lives above Graders Ice cream shop on Ludlow (yes, I live above an Ice cream store/bakery. Another reason Micah cant stay thin). Those of you whove been to Cincinnati know its the corner where street musicians play. This is why Micah has to sleep with earplugs. Its nice most of the time, but theres this one guy though who plays the flute that is driving me batty. Its not that he plays bad, its that he plays the same three fucking songs over, and over, and over!
Last night, though, there was this guy with a trombone and a boom-box playing old James Brown and he was playing along with James! It was one of those things that are so cheesy its good. Hes my new hero. I hope he plays there again so I can snap a picture of him.
That reminds me. Micah needs to borrow the digital Camera from work so he can show the rest of SG land where he hangs out. If youre lucky I might grace you with a picture of Micah but might not. Micah is horribly un-photogenic and he always looks like a retard in pictures.
Micah Question of the day: Better to have loved and lost, or ignorance is bliss; and why?

Ok, so I call some customer service departments today because we have some late orders. As soon as I mention I have a problem, the people start getting pissy and irate. Um wait a sec IM the one with the fucking problem.. arent I supposed to get pissed? Instead, Micah is having to calm THEM down so he can get the information he needs. I realize that customer service is a shitty job. Micah is the insane product of 5 years of customer service. But Jesus people, take a chill-pill.

Micahs pad:
Micah lives above Graders Ice cream shop on Ludlow (yes, I live above an Ice cream store/bakery. Another reason Micah cant stay thin). Those of you whove been to Cincinnati know its the corner where street musicians play. This is why Micah has to sleep with earplugs. Its nice most of the time, but theres this one guy though who plays the flute that is driving me batty. Its not that he plays bad, its that he plays the same three fucking songs over, and over, and over!
Last night, though, there was this guy with a trombone and a boom-box playing old James Brown and he was playing along with James! It was one of those things that are so cheesy its good. Hes my new hero. I hope he plays there again so I can snap a picture of him.
That reminds me. Micah needs to borrow the digital Camera from work so he can show the rest of SG land where he hangs out. If youre lucky I might grace you with a picture of Micah but might not. Micah is horribly un-photogenic and he always looks like a retard in pictures.
Micah Question of the day: Better to have loved and lost, or ignorance is bliss; and why?
i, too, grow impatient. thanks!