Micah loves seeing all the pink in his journal
I heart you all
I saw Man on the Train tonight. Not as good as Girl on the Bridge, which was the other popular film done by the same director (cant remember his name. I probably couldnt pronounce it anyways; Micah speaks French with a German Accent
) Anywho, I recommend it if its playing in your area. Some parts are a bit moving, but I would not expect the sweet lovey-dubby love story that was in Girl on the Bridge. The end is a little sad, so avoid it if you cant stand sad movies.
Not much else to announce. Micah has been having too much Thai and Indian for luch lately and is turning into a little piggy
. MUST STAY ON DIET! Im so close to having la six-pack I can almost taste it.. *sigh* Why does food have to taste so good?
Oh, and go check out Ruby's new set becuase she is a Raven haired goddess, and because Micah really want's you to.

I heart you all

I saw Man on the Train tonight. Not as good as Girl on the Bridge, which was the other popular film done by the same director (cant remember his name. I probably couldnt pronounce it anyways; Micah speaks French with a German Accent

Not much else to announce. Micah has been having too much Thai and Indian for luch lately and is turning into a little piggy

Oh, and go check out Ruby's new set becuase she is a Raven haired goddess, and because Micah really want's you to.

it is very very very difficult to stay on diet!!! i understand.
I did see Dancer in the Dark. It was great, but it's one of those movies that is so sad I don't ever want to watch it again. It really got to me.