They were young, 12 when they met. It was summer when they came across eachother, in a field. Everything is so yellow and bright when youre that age. Crap, I dont want to tell this story! He gets shot at 16 and it fucks her up for a real long time. She held him with blood pouring everywhere out of his neck. And now Free Bird makes her cry.
Okay, I am begging any of you, because Im dying for a free IPOD! Yeah I know its lame and whatever, but..well a free IPOD is a free IPOD:
I will be your bestest friend!
I just need four people, pleeeeeaaaaaseee!
I am taking pics tomorrow, I have to for my booking agency, just crap pics Im taking myself, but I am getting all dressed up.
Im leaving my hair alone now, I got it cut and now it just needs deep conditioning. Im glad thats over, I hate hair, I hate my hair.
Nick Cave rules, Let Love In, timeless.
Okay, I am begging any of you, because Im dying for a free IPOD! Yeah I know its lame and whatever, but..well a free IPOD is a free IPOD:
I will be your bestest friend!
I just need four people, pleeeeeaaaaaseee!
I am taking pics tomorrow, I have to for my booking agency, just crap pics Im taking myself, but I am getting all dressed up.
Im leaving my hair alone now, I got it cut and now it just needs deep conditioning. Im glad thats over, I hate hair, I hate my hair.
Nick Cave rules, Let Love In, timeless.
Ive never been to the States yet but one day I will

Have fun being a sexy lady in front of the lens.