Yay, yesterday I went to Black Dragon Tattoo in Fayetteville, AR and got tattooed by Jennifer there, here's my new piece, Barticia ala AFI:
Ain't she a beaut(well except for the flash shining on my ointment)
I'm stoked.
I took a family member at the same time to get her tongue pierced, it was her birthday present; it was either that or go to the ICP concert, and I sooooooooooo didn't feel like listening to the music stylins of Violent Jay! Or be pushed around by juggalos or juggalettes; so piercing it was.
I had to go to a family dinner last night for Thanksgiving also. So when we got there she was trying to see if her parents would notice that her tongue was pierced and she was like: "Dad do you want to see what I'm talking about?" and he was like: "No, Knowing Micaela it's probably a piercing or a tattoo"
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Maybe I need a Prozac, but I kinda took offense at that. First of all, none of those people "know" me, second of all she would have got it done with or without me. Third, ummmm, third, ahhhhh well shit that's just lame!
Yeah, the dinner sucked, people stared at me and made comments about my tattoos and piercings, and my hair, and my clothes, etc. I can't stand them, they suck, I can't wait to leave.
I have no patience for anything right now.
I have to go pay everybody tons of money today and I am not happy about it, why can't I live for free, without having to pay bills? I work hard for the money, it pisses me off to have to pay bills with it! hahahhaa
Who all lives near LA? I want to know who I can meet when I get back!

Ain't she a beaut(well except for the flash shining on my ointment)
I'm stoked.
I took a family member at the same time to get her tongue pierced, it was her birthday present; it was either that or go to the ICP concert, and I sooooooooooo didn't feel like listening to the music stylins of Violent Jay! Or be pushed around by juggalos or juggalettes; so piercing it was.
I had to go to a family dinner last night for Thanksgiving also. So when we got there she was trying to see if her parents would notice that her tongue was pierced and she was like: "Dad do you want to see what I'm talking about?" and he was like: "No, Knowing Micaela it's probably a piercing or a tattoo"
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Maybe I need a Prozac, but I kinda took offense at that. First of all, none of those people "know" me, second of all she would have got it done with or without me. Third, ummmm, third, ahhhhh well shit that's just lame!
Yeah, the dinner sucked, people stared at me and made comments about my tattoos and piercings, and my hair, and my clothes, etc. I can't stand them, they suck, I can't wait to leave.
I have no patience for anything right now.
I have to go pay everybody tons of money today and I am not happy about it, why can't I live for free, without having to pay bills? I work hard for the money, it pisses me off to have to pay bills with it! hahahhaa
Who all lives near LA? I want to know who I can meet when I get back!
big big kiss all