Isn't that beautiful?
I was so sick this weekend. I made the mistake of buying one of those budget tv dinners in the interest of saving money because all my stuff is packed and I don't want to spend a fortune eating out every night. Well, I bought the Swedish Meatballs and that made me sicker than a dog!

It was horrible.
So, did you hear about the dumbass Democrat(not a dumbass cause he's a Democrat, but because of what he did) who decided to off himself because Bush got re-elected. Talk about taking something way tooooooooooo personal! Hmmmmmmmmm, is he now a martyr for the Democratic cause? Wouldn't that liken the Democrats a little to close to the Al Qaida's ways for comfort?
In addition to last weeks revelries they arrested two idiots for defacing the Republican headquarters, ha ha get em boys! Just an example of what I was saying before, the rudeness of the campaign, it seems like they would resort to anything just to be rude. No class and shameless terrorism in their own right.
I sold the contents of my fish tank to my local dealer, he gave me a good deal since the cheapskates on Ebay kept trying to email me and talk down my price, assholes. I spent thousands on the contents and equipment on that tank and they wouldn't even shell out $300 for a top quality setup, fuck them, assholes. In general, though, I decided that I'm done with ebay and going to relegate my selling on there to totally cheap shit and stay dedicated to my website. Which means I'll be ordering mostly through referrals with Lip Service, Demonia, Cinderblock, etc. I've got too much on my plate right now anyways.
Ahhhhh, just a couple more weeks! I'm soooo excited. I get to go try on Lip Service's new stuff at their offices, go back to Hollywood, go to school and bitch at their Financial Aid office and be a total punk!!!!!! Yayayyyyyy! LA here I come!
Just a little story(because I'm a Misfits and Danzig whore):
Back in the day....the Misfits went to England to do a tour but Danzig got in a fight with Ian Ashbury(cult) and Ian kicked his ass, like so fucking royally, and they all ended up in Jail. That's where London dungeon came from.....they didn't finish the tour.
Why isn't anyone on my friend list from Los Angeles area? I wish that since I'm moving I could at least meet one of you fantastic people....
[Edited on Nov 09, 2004 3:28PM]
How was your day? I am still at work. I will be here until tommorrow morning.