It feels like halloween!
Again....cold and rainy...I like it though. Except all five of my siamese kittens are running around the house going stir crazy!
Wanna see a site? Has my acting resume, etc. on it:
Micaela Velour
I'm getting alot of requests for new orders for Lip Service, etc. but noone wants the stuff I have and I need to get rid of before I move! Ugh! I've got like tons of Misfits shirts and boys Lip Service, I don't want to lug it to California....
Oh well, I'm going to be luggin a ton of leather anyways. I make leather goods, corsets, belts, cuffs, everything and anything, bondage stuff......
So anyways I'm always in need of some so I made a wish list...
You ever come across someone that just stares at you and smiles? There's this person that every time they get around me they stand real close and smile and stare at me. It's really uncomfortable because they are engaged to a cousin of mine. Hmmmmmmmm, it's like I can't even tell them to quit it because I don't want to start a fight or cause a scene or embaress my cousin. I don't know what to do.
School is buggin so bad. I get grants and loans while in school but this school takes like the whol frigging semester to send the money. jerkoffs! Hello motherfuckers, I use this money to live on during the semester, how can I do that when you don't send it to me till the semester's over!!! Assholes. I am still missing the new version of West's law and I'm using an old version cause they won't send me my friggin moola.
And also, what the hell is the matter with the "liberals" and the "conservatives"? Why has this election turned everybody into blood seeking political activists? I mean like my friends have actually tried to start fights with me about it! I have nothing really personal against democrats, but like for real? Kerry like brainwashing people into blood thirsty zombies? LOL
I can't wait to get back to LA, I want to meet lots and lots of beautiful people...are you out there??????

Again....cold and rainy...I like it though. Except all five of my siamese kittens are running around the house going stir crazy!

Wanna see a site? Has my acting resume, etc. on it:
Micaela Velour
I'm getting alot of requests for new orders for Lip Service, etc. but noone wants the stuff I have and I need to get rid of before I move! Ugh! I've got like tons of Misfits shirts and boys Lip Service, I don't want to lug it to California....

Oh well, I'm going to be luggin a ton of leather anyways. I make leather goods, corsets, belts, cuffs, everything and anything, bondage stuff......
So anyways I'm always in need of some so I made a wish list...
You ever come across someone that just stares at you and smiles? There's this person that every time they get around me they stand real close and smile and stare at me. It's really uncomfortable because they are engaged to a cousin of mine. Hmmmmmmmm, it's like I can't even tell them to quit it because I don't want to start a fight or cause a scene or embaress my cousin. I don't know what to do.
School is buggin so bad. I get grants and loans while in school but this school takes like the whol frigging semester to send the money. jerkoffs! Hello motherfuckers, I use this money to live on during the semester, how can I do that when you don't send it to me till the semester's over!!! Assholes. I am still missing the new version of West's law and I'm using an old version cause they won't send me my friggin moola.
And also, what the hell is the matter with the "liberals" and the "conservatives"? Why has this election turned everybody into blood seeking political activists? I mean like my friends have actually tried to start fights with me about it! I have nothing really personal against democrats, but like for real? Kerry like brainwashing people into blood thirsty zombies? LOL
I can't wait to get back to LA, I want to meet lots and lots of beautiful people...are you out there??????
You seem PERFECT for entertainment law. It combines everything you're good at... I'm in
Hmmmmmm, okay so check this out.
Because I live in the Bible belt the people around here won't have Halloween on Halloween night. Instead they make all the little kids go downtown two days before in the middle of the day to collect candy from the dowtown businesses while they block off the streets!
I'm sorry, but how lame is that?!
Seven Day Adventists are the majority religious sect in this area. Baptists come in a close second, but I think the Adventists like beat them routinely to keep their control of power.
So Dawn of the Dead(the remake) DVD came out today. YAY!!!!!! I'm going to watch it over and over again. HAHA
It's great though!!! There is word that Romero is making yet another masterpiece in the Dead series that takes place in the future and like the zombies are like trained our something........hmmmmm......wonder how that'll work out....
I'm working on some new pics. I will do another set, even though my first set isn't up yet and may not be for quite a while, and some random pics for my portfolio, soon, soon. Within the next month.
I am trying to go through my millions of photos to find some good ones to post also...........
So much to do, so little time....
I have to sell my saltwater reef fish tank, and it sucks cause I've worked so hard on it. All that live rock, corals.........Wahhh.
Why does it feel like the country is about to break out into civil war? All my friends are on the left side of the country, but I am so right..............I guess I'll go wherever my piece of ass goes, haha