Runyon Canyon is close to my house, and will become the local cross training zone. A nice place with some steep hills and sprinkled with the hot hard bodies of Hollywood like these:
(at least in my imagination)
So I will be frequenting this spot for INENSE CARDIO ACTION and general eye candy glee. By November I should be sprinting up and down a couple times...JUST TO WARM UP. So come winter I'll look like this:
(also in my imagination).
Oh yeah, and there's yoga in the park. Rad.
I need to invest in some solid surf gear so I can kick the aquatic training into high gear. Mobprod and I will be undergoing intensive surf training and marine conditioning, ahering to a strict diet of In N Out, Krispy Kreme and Powerbars. Waves will be caught, splendor achieved.
Magic Mountain.
My first time to the Six Flags theme park. At the last minute I got to join SGLA on the adventure. Got to kick it with some new cool peeps from the area, and that was cool. Roller coasters and ghetto kids, churros and talking animatronic mooses. Goliath was the fave. Rollercoasters in the dark rule. Rad, rad, rad.
Tthe weekend was a good one.
Runyon Canyon is close to my house, and will become the local cross training zone. A nice place with some steep hills and sprinkled with the hot hard bodies of Hollywood like these:

(at least in my imagination)
So I will be frequenting this spot for INENSE CARDIO ACTION and general eye candy glee. By November I should be sprinting up and down a couple times...JUST TO WARM UP. So come winter I'll look like this:

(also in my imagination).
Oh yeah, and there's yoga in the park. Rad.
I need to invest in some solid surf gear so I can kick the aquatic training into high gear. Mobprod and I will be undergoing intensive surf training and marine conditioning, ahering to a strict diet of In N Out, Krispy Kreme and Powerbars. Waves will be caught, splendor achieved.
Magic Mountain.
My first time to the Six Flags theme park. At the last minute I got to join SGLA on the adventure. Got to kick it with some new cool peeps from the area, and that was cool. Roller coasters and ghetto kids, churros and talking animatronic mooses. Goliath was the fave. Rollercoasters in the dark rule. Rad, rad, rad.
Tthe weekend was a good one.
everyone's getting all athletic lately... wtf.